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Drug Rehab Website Development Hurts Marketing

This entry was posted in drug rehab website development, Addiction Treatment Marketing, Drug Rehab Consultants, Drug Rehab Lead Generation, Drug Rehab Marketing, Drug Rehab Marketing Agencies, Drug Rehab Marketing Consultants, Drug Rehab Marketing Information, Rehab Marketing, Rehab Marketing Ideas, Website Development and SEO and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on by .


What Are the Top 3 Reasons Drug Rehab Website Development Hurts Drug Rehab Marketing?

Drug rehab Website development and design are drastically affecting drug rehab marketing for addiction treatment centers, opiate detox centers, inpatient rehab, and IOP treatment programs. Understanding the many components needed including; design, drug rehab SEO, and branding are critical for successful web marketing. These are all paramount to generate drug rehab leads and customers for sales/service organization in our industry. However, it requires an ongoing, in-depth knowledge of the crucial role website structure plays. Drug rehab SEO website development is complex for drug and alcohol addiction treatment center web marketing.

Understanding How Drug Rehab Website Development Effects Treatment Calls Lead Generation

Addiction treatment centers are facing their most difficult challenges ever in 2018. Generating enough clients to sustain their business has become a daunting necessity. The insurance companies are now paying for shorter lengths of stay and less reimbursement for drug testing. This combined with new laws in Florida on patient brokering, Google PPC restrictions and algorithm changes, have many centers frustrated and struggling to gain clients. We are seeing many centers close their doors, merge, or get bought out by wall street investors.

As a treatment center owner, you most likely started your center because you have a passion to help and extensive knowledge of addiction. That most likely shows with the clinical aspect of your center. However, many centers fall because they do not respect, or understand drug rehab SEO marketing.

Understanding the Value of Proper Website Development

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Website Development Hurts MarketingThe current behavioral health industry landscape requires that recovery centers learn better addiction treatment marketing practices including the status of the drug rehab SEO website development. Website development is the major building block for their drug rehab marketing. Relying solely on outreach, and buying rehab leads to maintain an acceptable census puts them at great risk.  Addiction treatment lead generation and producing treatment calls is difficult on the web. Drug rehabilitation owners often use short-term solutions to their long-term problem.

Drug Rehab Web Marketing Outperforms All Other Marketing Combined

When the money was flowing, there was no reason to have drug rehab SEO website development or a healthy marketing mix. Addiction treatment centers and opiate detox centers threw a ton of money at their rehab marketing with PPC, bought some VOB treatment calls (no longer legal in Florida,) relied on Outreach and that was the extent of their marketing plan. They demanded immediate results which have caused industry-wide thought process concerning marketing. Concentrating on short-term solutions, to their long-term problem of generating clients, puts them at great risk of not surviving in the red ocean.

Website structure the #1 Ingredient for Drug Rehab SEO

Drug Rehab SEO website development needs proper website structure. Many drug rehabilitation centers think web marketing does not work. The main reason is when they implemented it into their substance abuse marketing their website lacked proper structure. They were investing money in drug rehab SEO that could not perform. Without proper structure, Google spiders will not rank or penalize the website.

Substance abuse web marketing is complicated, competitive, and requires knowledge beyond addiction treatment. Drug rehab SEO website development needs to have the proper foundation to produce treatment calls. It must be the start of your drug rehab marketing and lead generation.

Web marketing outperforms all other marketing combined when set-up correctly and executed properly. Speaking with many treatment center CEO’s and Executives, many say web marketing does not work. Our immediate response is let’s look at your electronic assets and how they are set-up.

1. Proper Website Structure = Poor Web Marketing Results

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Website Development Hurts MarketingLet’s first look at the website. Website structure is the critical starting point for SEO performance. The aesthetics of treatment centers websites are often beautiful, showing pictures of the beach, and amenities. The aesthetics of a website are only a fraction of what is needed for web marketing. When a house is being built, the foundation is the most important aspect. Without a strong foundation, your house will fall. With web marketing, proper structure is the original building block.

We recently spoke with Brian Frye, CEO, of Magna Technologies, a highly respected industry website design company and attendee favorite panelist at BHNR’s Ethical Marketing Practices Conferences, about the status of treatment centers websites. Here is what he had to say,

“The biggest problem is poor website structure. Centers do not understand how damaging this is to their marketing.”

Website Structure 1st Step in Addiction Treatment Center Marketing

Proper website structure is a critical aspect of a websites SEO and critical for drug rehab marketing. It will be one of the main factors in generating revenue or wasting marketing dollars. Poor drug rehab website development causes Google (and other search engines) to do one of two things. They will either not read and rank your site or penalize your site for structural errors. If you have an efficient website structure in Googles eyes, you get rewarded in many ways (Google juice) with higher rankings. Poor structure is one of the main reasons why many treatment centers say web marketing does not work. SEO is also a huge factor for many addiction treatment centers.

Get a Website Designed and Developed by an Experienced Drug Rehab Professional with In-depth Knowledge Beyond the Addiction Treatment Industry

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Website Development Hurts MarketingThe “big boys in the sandbox” understand better drug rehab website development equals higher rankings in search engines and more clicks. These big players use professional and experienced webmasters with experience beyond the addiction treatment industry. Their sites use an efficient, clean and trimmed hierarchy. The small to medium players usually use unskilled individuals with limited knowledge of proper structure. Their hierarchy is generally disorganized, jumbled and not optimized for Google. This is an area that the small to medium size treatment centers can gain ground against the competition (big and small) on the web if they include it in their drug rehab marketing plan.

2. Pay Attention to These Areas of Drug Rehab Website Structure

While this article cannot cover all that is involved with proper website development and structure, here are some areas that must be addressed.

Schema.org (Schema) Advanced Search Tactic

Schema is a syntactic vocabulary that is added to HTML that improves how spiders read and present a web page in SERP’s. This is an absolute must in your drug rehab website development.

Google can read every language, however, it’s native tongue is the schema. This is the key to drug rehab SEO. It allows search engines to more clearly understand and read sites more quickly. It is becoming paramount for all websites to correctly incorporate schema where ever possible on their website for several reasons. It gives the ability for search engines to pull better rich snippets and rich data that makes a website link stand out and gain real estate in SERP’s, increasing clicks.

Voice Search Get Ahead of other Rehabilitation Centers

Getting ahead of the competition is easy if you know what’s coming. Secondly, it is becoming a necessity in the new age of voice search. As we pointed out in an earlier article, treatment centers and ancillary service organizations in the addiction treatment industry are suffering from digital Darwinism. Organizations in the addiction treatment industry do not have a firm understanding of the many aspects of SEO and now comes along voice search.

Digital voice search is one of the newest technological advances in the ways consumers get information. It is rapidly becoming a crucial part of the way our potential clients will get information they are seeking at home (Google Home, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazons Alexa,) and on mobile devices (Android, and Apple.) ComScore.com predicts that by 2020, 50 percent of all searches will be voice searches.

Implementing Schema on a website is like placing a direction post on a highway. It quickly gets the spiders to the information that correctly answers a voice query. This is important because voice queries depend on implied content. Proper schema helps provide the content rather than the spiders using an ambiguous page of text.

Implementing Schema and Asking the Right Questions

One of the biggest issues with schema is many do not know how to properly place it on a website.  According to schema.org, there are only 10 million websites using schema.org markup. While this may seem like a lot, only 1% of websites have implemented it. This can give a treatment center an edge with marketing. This should be included in their drug rehab marketing strategy. Some of the areas where you should incorporate schema are;

  • Site Navigation Element
  • About Page
  • GMB Map (Google Maps)
  • WP Footer
  • WP Header
  • WP Side Bar

3. Proper Website Structure gets more Google real-estate with Site-links

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Website Development Hurts MarketingSite-links are links and descriptions of the different parts of your website that show up in SERP’s. This is a Google’s SEO golden nugget that improves click-through rates, however, there are several pieces that need to be in place to achieve this golden award.  They also are huge in SEO by making navigation easier, dominating SERP’s, brand reputations, and building trust with Google and the user. One of those important pieces is a good website structure (trust and brand reputation are also factors.) If you have a poor website structure, it is highly unlikely that you will achieve a sitemap in Google listings. This causes a reduction in targeted traffic and lower clicks of your target audience.

Here is an example of a search that achieves a site link. Try typing into Google search your center and see if your organization shows a site link. If it does not, you either have no site-link, or it is incorrectly implemented.

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Website Development Hurts Marketing

A quote from Google Webmaster clearly showing the importance of proper website development; We only show site links for results when we think they’ll be useful to the user. If the structure of your site doesn’t allow our algorithms to find good site links, or we don’t think that the site links for your site are relevant for the user’s query, we won’t show them.

Top 8 Mistakes with Drug Rehab Website Development

While Google doesn’t provide a step by step drug rehab website development procedure there are certain things that should be in place to achieve site links.

  1. Unique website name
  2. Clear website structure and navigation
  3. #1 rank organically for the search term
  4. Implementation of sitemap.xml to your Google search counsel account
  5. Build internal links
  6. Cross check page titles
  7. Brand Awareness on social media
  8. Better Website Development and Structure Means Better Website Crawling

Google spiders search billions of pages on the web and compile a massive index. Their algorithm has over 200 factors. According to Google, it is a must that they can crawl and index your site correctly. If you have poor drug rehab website development, chances are extremely slim in achieving a coveted site-link in Google search.

Learn From the Top 3 Reasons Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Hurts Drug Rehab Marketing

Poor drug rehab website development structure is the #1 reason why addiction treatment lead generation fails. Google heavily uses the user’s experience to rank any given site. Google’s algorithm considers many factors. In addition, it looks at loading speed (after 2 seconds you lose 50% of the audience), click-through rates, time on site and frequency of visits to name a few. This article pinpoints these 3 key areas for recovery centers to look for and understand in their marketing.

  1. Proper Website Structure = Poor Web Marketing Results. Get your website built by an industry professional
  2. Pay Attention to Schema and Voice Search
  3. Proper Website Structure gets more Google real-estate with Site-links

If recovery centers can’t get to page one of Google they can’t generate addiction treatment calls. This article outlines the most common mistakes made with drug rehab website development in the recovery industry. Give us a call, we are drug rehab marketing specialists and we will quickly evaluate your SEO. We also provide SEO training. If you would like us to evaluate your organization’s website contact Charles Davis at CEO@BehavioralHealthNetworkResources.com, or give him a call at 561-235-6195.

American Addiction Centers 800 Numbers Behavioral Health Network Resources

American Addiction Centers Addressing 800 Number High Jacking; Due Diligence

American Addiction Centers 800’s Being Stolen Affecting Drug Rehab Marketing

American Addiction Centers sat down with Behavioral Health Network Resources, CEO, Charles Davis on a live national radio show. American Addiction Centers wanted to educate treatment center CEO’s, and Executives on the sophisticated drug rehab marketing scheme on high-jacking treatment centers 800 numbers (View radio show at the bottom of this post). Mr. Davis said, “This is a huge national problem that, and many centers are unaware their clients are being re-routed.

%Drug Rehab SEO American Addiction Centers Addressing 800 Number High Jacking; Due DiligenceThe addiction treatment industry is a 40 billion dollar a year industry. It’s in the midst of unprecedented change with battling patient brokering. On the forefront is “boots on the ground” patient brokering, however, the power of lead generation on Google poses just as big of a problem. Treatment centers must get educated on their marketing practices to survive. Many are unaware of the “Top 3 Rehab Marketing Missing Links Losing Revenue“. Their foundation in web marketing is poor. They need to have their websites set-up properly, get back-links from reputable sites, and have proper SEO on their keywords. On September 16, 2017, Google finally stepped up by restricting Ad Words in the addiction treatment industry.

Savvy web marketers have devised ways to re-rout tens-of-thousands of calls per day. The scheme is using Google business listings. Many of the small treatment centers are not web savvy marketers. Their websites aren’t set-up properly, no Google analytics, no call tracking, and no blog. These are the perfect targets for the 800 jacking. This scheme is extremely sophisticated and is also targeting the big players like American Addiction Centers. When they get caught they just deny it. It is extremely difficult to prosecute. It is easy for anyone to change current information such as a phone number.

Anyone can submit a change to a Google business page. Google will go to the person making the changes and say is this correct. This is why even the big players are having their numbers switched. One step is to install call tracking and monitor it daily. This is inexpensive, we just set-up a small client and they are only paying about $50 per month.

American Addiction Centers Warns Industry

Addiction treatment marketing professionals should be involved with social media. At the very minimum, they should be on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, G+, and YouTube. The issue American Addiction Centers is warning centers about is in many Facebook social media groups including Addiction Professional Referral Group, (16,000 Members), and The Addiction Industry Top 100 Group (5,300 Members). Many are pointing the finger on this national problem without in-depth due diligence. Get educated on this national problem in the video below. Please note we experienced technical sound difficulties and the sound does not start until 2 min. and 15 sec. into the video.

Addiction Conferences Help Educate on Drug Rehab Marketing

%Drug Rehab SEO American Addiction Centers Addressing 800 Number High Jacking; Due DiligenceWe held one of our addiction conferences on May 10, 2017. in Riviera Beach, FL. addressing this issue. This event featured 5 Executive Thought Leaders (Asst. State Attorney, PBC Substance Awareness Coalition, PBSO, Indian Bob, and more…) discussing sober homes regulation, and treatment center busts. In addition, what’s in store for the future, and vital marketing intel from other panelists were covered during this unique talk show host/town hall forum. This event attracted 210 addiction professionals, 90 CEOs, and 20 exhibitors.

If you are a treatment center and have not registered your Google business listing, you can find out how here.

Being involved with addiction professionals on a national basis is a must to be aware of the fraudulent practices that are happening in every state. Here are over 35 groups with well over 120,000 members that you can join;

Facebook Addiction Professional Referral Group 13,000 Members. One of Facebook’s most active addition groups, highly monitored over 4,000 banned in the last 12 months.

LinkedIn Addiction Professional Referral Group 14,000 Members

Facebook Generation “X” Addiction Unleashed 9,500 Members

Facebook South Florida Addiction Connection 1,900 South Florida Members

Facebook Addiction Treatment Industry Top 100 6,200 Members

Facebook South Florida Connection Addiction and Behavioral Health 10,000 Members

Facebook Addiction and Behavioral Health Events 5,000 Members

Facebook 🚑 ᗩᗪᗪIᑕTIOᑎ ᖇEᔕᑕᑌE; ᕼEᒪᑭ ᗷEᖴOᖇE IT’ᔕ TOO ᒪᗩTE 6,000 Members

Facebook New Jersey Addiction Support 2,000 Members

Facebook Addiction and Behavioral Health Options 2,500 Members

Facebook 𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆 1,000 Members

Facebook America Hates Addiction 1,300 Members

Facebook Screaming Sobriety 2,500 Members

Facebook Recovery From Within 1,900 Members

Facebook Addressing PTSD 1,800 Members

LinkedIn Addiction and Behavioral Health South Florida

LinkedIn California Addiction and Behavioral Health

LinkedIn Addiction and Behavioral Health Marketing

LinkedIn Recovery in Behavioral Health and Addictions

LinkedIn Addiction Behavioral Health CEO Round Table

LinkedIn Executive Drug and Alcohol Treatment

LinkedIn Behavioral Health Treatment Options

LinkedIn Addiction Related Clinical Director Forum

LinkedIn Addiction and Behavioral Health Job Seekers

LinkedIn Addiction Behavioral Health Counselor Coffee Talk ☕

LinkedIn Addiction and Behavioral Health Lifestyle

FACEBOOK Behavioral Health Network Resources 7,000 Followers

TWITTER Drug Rehab Marketing 3,000 Followers


addiction treatment marketing Millennials

Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennials

Drug Rehab Marketing Influenced by Millennial Population

Addiction treatment marketing neglects millennial in many ways. There is an understanding gap between millennial’s and addiction treatment marketing organizations in our industry. Millennial’s are changing addiction treatment marketing and behavioral health marketing.  I know, I am one and have been in treatment a couple of times. We are forcing businesses to truly engage and build relationships with us to get into treatment. We are in a scared and confused state and need to be in touch and comfortable with our treatment center decision.

Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennial’s Lifestyle

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennials

I am part of a generation that currently represents the largest potential lifetime value of all the consumer segments. We are not uneducated, lazy, or unwilling, We understand that we need to seek help for our addiction and behavioral health issues. We all know that the national success rates of treatment are at about 10%. The reality is that we need to be in treatment more than once, and treatment centers need to not only attracted and engage us but also stay in front of us after we leave their center. this is one of the areas that addiction treatment marketing neglects millennial.

Understanding How to Use Facebook to Reach a Millennial

After attending a marketing conference in Las Vegas where millennial’s was the hot topic. It dawned on me that there is a huge gap between millennial’s and addiction treatment marketing. That addiction treatment marketing neglects millennials in many ways. This is because they are failing to attract and engage us. We are their largest target market. The addiction treatment industry is being dominated by the largest social medium (Facebook) with patient broker.

This is because they understand how to attract, and engage individuals seeking treatment. Treatment centers need to understand and use more sophisticated marketing that attracts, engages, and brings the viewer to their websites. Facebook has over 2 billion users and the largest audience of millennial’s. Addiction treatment centers must learn how to use this social media in their lead generation strategies. They must learn how to implement strategies when marketing to millennial’s.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennials

Addiction Executive Talk Show Host/Town Hall conferences providing ethical business and marketing strategies. Next conference on 4/30/19 in Riviera Beach, FL

Millennials are the largest audience of potential users of drug and alcohol addiction treatment.  A millennial is anyone born between 1980 and 2005; there are over 80 million. We are ethnically diverse, mainly college graduates, and know/dominate the internet. The internet, cell phones, and social media are our BFF’s where we spend most of our time. Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, and yes even LinkedIn are some of our favorites The internet, cell phones, and social media are our BFF’s. There must be an awareness, that this is the largest segment of potential clients, to get rid of the separation between millennial’s and addiction treatment marketing. Want to learn more about social media marketing?

Lack of Engagement is How Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennial’s

When trying to figure out why they are not getting through to us, addiction treatment falls short in sustaining a truly dedicated effort to connecting with us. This type of approach involves developing programs from scratch specifically for millennial’s, including content, getting us to engage and building a trust relationship. We spend most of our time on mobile devices and want to be engaged. Social media marketing and getting on page one of Google with drug rehab SEO is critical.

Addiction Treatment Marketing Mistakes to Millennial’s

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects MillennialsFrom a marketing professional perspective, it really is the basics.  Offering potential client/service engagement using our language, in an honest and true story we can relate to, not clinical jargon. We understand what we are experiencing with our drug and alcohol issues and attacking us from a clinical perceptive does not work effectively. Please stop with the, we are Sunshine Rehab, were JACHO accredited, and we have open beds. This type of marketing is useless and embarrassing to your center. Try hitting us up with content that relates to our lives, and what we are experiencing.

Marketing with Lack of Attracting and Engaging Content With Drug Rehab Marketing

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects MillennialsThe bottom-line is millennial’s are going to use our “inner circle” to find out about treatment. We are looking for social mediums that are not polished and professional.  We are thirsting for, interesting, real-life experiences similar to ours that opens us up, and email contact that touches us a makes us want to engage.  We prefer to see content that relates to us, not clinical crap, and not what a cookie cutter drug rehab marketing agency thinks we want.

One of the biggest problems is many treatment centers and sales/service organizations want an instant return. They are used to getting instant results with PPC. Social media is only a part of your marketing mix, and the audience is earned over time. It requires your most important web marketing tool which is your blog. This requires content that is attracting and engaging to the reader. The landscape of social media has changed due to complex algorithms.

Include Getting In-front of Millennial’s Key with a Drug Rehab Marketing Plan

The days of just posting and seeing results are gone for addiction treatment marketing. You either have to pay Facebook or LinkedIn for ads or build your own audiences within these mediums. Our 90-day social media marketing package not only taps you instantly into our audience but also grows an audience that is your intellectual property after our 90-day social media marketing program.

Examine your marketing model and take the time to engage with millennial’s; we are the most powerful buying group in the nation. If you don’t get in front of us and engages us chances are you will not be seeing us in your center.

The article was written by Millennial and drug rehab marketing and SEO consultant Madison Richards.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects MillennialsIf you are interested in tapping into our captured audience of 30,000 addiction and behavioral health level one connections on LinkedIn, our 14 LinkedIn addiction groups with 50,000 members, our 15,000 addiction-related Facebook friends, our 40 Facebook addiction groups with over 150,000 members, our 12,000 addiction twitter followers, and our professional email list of over 40,000 addiction professionals contact Charles Davis at 561-235-6195, or info@behavioralhealthnetworkresources.com.

Click the above pic to see 60 of the webs best addiction groups with over 200,000 members, or click the highlighted links below to join a couple of the most popular Facebook groups.

Give us your input on this article…

Where are your addiction treatment marketing dollars

Where Are Your Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars?

Why Will There be Wasted Drug Rehab Marketing Dollars?

Addiction treatment marketing dollars can be spent quickly without any type of return. Many drug rehabs are unaware they are wasting their drug rehab marketing budget allocated for 2020. There are many layers of their marketing mix that need to be in place to be effective and understood to not waste their marketing budget.

%Drug Rehab SEO Where Are Your Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars?Many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers don’t realize the base number that they must invest yearly with their addiction treatment marketing dollars to grow ethically. There is a baseline number that addiction treatment centers and addiction sales/service organizations should be spending on their marketing budget. There are many components needed in their marketing mix; website, drug rehab SEO, pay per click, “DRIP” Campaigns, and mobile optimization. These are just a few of many. Some other areas are;

  • call center lead generation
  • snail mail
  • email mail marketing
  • organic rankings
  • gorilla marketing

As the list goes on it also includes Facebook, LinkedIn, addiction professional conferences, branding, networking, knowing all the search engines, listings on high traffic addiction sites, being a thought leader and many more.

One more extremely important piece is putting into place analytics; Google analytics, and call tracking. Google is free, and call tracking is very inexpensive. The information that these give will save treatment centers big dollars. They must be able to tell what is working, what is not working, and adjust quickly to these situations.

Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars in the Mix

There are many that are not using a marketing mix in 2021, and not spending enough. They expect immediate results that they will not be able to achieve with what they have allocated for their marketing. There are big dollars that can be generated in profits. However, there is a cost to marketing in our industry. Being wise with their treatment centers addiction treatment marketing dollars is becoming paramount.

%Drug Rehab SEO Where Are Your Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars?Many behavioral health organizations put all their marketing dollars into boots on the ground strategy. They are ignoring a drug rehab SEO marketing strategy drug rehab SEO marketing strategy. This tight-knit network can only produce a limited amount of referrals. This is extremely risky considering they are trading the same referrals. This is the #1 reason the turn over rate for outreach professionals is 6-12 months. At some point, treatment centers must generate new referrals.

Web marketing outperforms all other marketing combined, however, it requires a foundation including proper website development, SEO, and social media marketing. Owners must provide education and resources for their outreach professionals and provide them with useful tools instead of hiring them solely based on their referral sources. Contracting an experienced drug rehab marketing consultant can provide these tools in addition to guidance on how to properly set-up your website, SEO and social media marketing.

Caution with Valuable Drug Rehab Marketing Dollars

We have a client, that is utilizing our drug rehab social media marketing to maximize his treatment centers addiction treatment marketing dollars. This client is brand new to web marketing in our industry. They were shocked at how complicated and expensive it is to have a successful marketing campaign, and the many different components it entails.

We explained, there are about 75 big players spending $500,000-$1,500,000 per month just in PPC/ADWORDS. This makes it extremely difficult for small to medium players.


%Drug Rehab SEO Where Are Your Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars?The smaller players often make a critical mistake when that are investing in their marketing. Their mistake is the very 1st step needed and is often skipped or not respected. The thought that this is too costly is extremely short-sighted because they burn much more than that before they figure out that what they are doing is not working.

Drug Rehab Marketing Revenue Saved by S.W.O.T.

%Drug Rehab SEO Where Are Your Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars?

We suggested to do a S.W.O.T analysis and explained, a SWOT analysis digs deep and reveals many cost-saving avenues for marketing. This is important because we need to know where the big players are spending and the players that are on your level. Without this crucial piece of intelligence the marketing it is just a guessing game and dollars are being wasted. This analysis also looks at where your web assets are leaking Google juice. Website development and SEO are the top mistakes made by organizations in the addiction treatment industry. Without these be set-up properly you will continue to waste marketing dollars.

This client knew we were thought leaders in marketing in the addiction treatment industry by our activity and exposure.

We carefully explained the many pain points in drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing. I went in depth on the many avenues to consider including PPC, call center lead generation, “drip” campaigns, mobile devices (#1 in conversion rates, and if your site is not mobile friendly GOOGLE will no longer index your site), Facebook, LinkedIn, organic site marketing vs paid site marketing, crowd sourcing organic model, and many more. It critical to find a way to follow-up with and keep putting all the individuals that called, inquired, or clicked through on their services through the sales funnel again, and again until they become a client.

This client with the help of our web marketing partners is now enjoying 4-6 new clients every month with an investment that is only a fraction of the revenue they are generating.

Learn Where You Are Spending Your Companies Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars in 2021

Addiction treatment marketing dollars can be saved. Many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers take short-cuts, and many times take the lowest bidder for their marketing. Some hire a large drug rehab marketing agency thinking they are covered. Understanding why these mistakes are being made is paramount. These are critical mistakes that cost big money. Many owners do not like the experienced marketing leaders in our industry tell them, and the investment that is needed to generate clients. Taking the lowest bidder, and short-cuts costs twice as much than if you invested the time, money, and resources to get the many mechanisms in place for effective marketing. If these are not in place your web marketing efforts will be ineffective.

%Drug Rehab SEO Where Are Your Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars?Addiction conferences are educating on the moments of change with the drug rehab marketing and business side of behavioral health. You can get valuable ethical marketing and business education at our addiction conferences educating on ethical business and drug rehab marketing. Each of our addiction conferences has 5 Executive thought leader panelists providing proven addiction recovery marketing strategies.

Lack of experienced addiction treatment marketing specialists is costing you drug rehab marketing dollars

Addiction Treatment Marketing Specialists Save Dollars

Addiction treatment marketing specialists and drug rehab marketing are extremely valuable for substance abuse rehabilitation centers. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers will need a specialized drug rehab marketing agency, consultants, website development professional and experienced drug rehab SEO. So, you’re wasting addiction recovery marketing dollars without these professionals in place. If you’re a new start-up or have been around for any amount of time, you realize the need for experienced addiction treatment marketing professionals.

Without an addiction treatment marketing specialist as a guide, your addiction treatment marketing is costing you more than it should. There are so many components you must consider when operating an addiction treatment center. Lack of knowledge certainly will produce costly mistakes.

Experience in Addiction treatment marketing “If you think it is expensive hiring a professional wait until you hire an amateur.”- Red Adair

What Are Addiction Treatment Marketing Specialists?

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Specialists Save DollarsAddiction treatment or drug rehab marketing specialists have years of experience in drug rehab marketing and SEO. Marketing is the most important aspect of any business; it’s the hand that feeds you. There are many areas that expertise is needed to achieve results. The most successful drug rehabilitation recovery centers have experienced professionals in specific areas.   Drug rehab marketing consultants, industry marketing agencies, website developers and  SEO experts. Even with the following in place, many centers fail to use, or understand Google analytics, and call tracking. These are a MUST have for every drug rehab marketing plan. They must understand how to use them to quickly adjust their marketing efforts. If you not utilizing these, you’re wasting some of your addiction recovery marketing dollars. Addiction treatment marketing specialists prevent costly mistakes in the 35 billion dollars a year industry.

What Useful Information Do Drug Rehab Marketing Specialists Provide?

You always need a drug rehab marketing professional! When the revenue is easily flowing, it’s easy to overlook the need for consultants. However, in 2021 many treatment centers are struggling. New laws, regulations, and pay per click requirements are hurting operators. Addiction treatment marketing specialists can help you overcome these huge obstacles. Drug rehab marketing specialists are experienced in;

  • web development (with a respected and industry experienced firm)
  • Call Tracking
  • drug rehab SEO
  • AdWords, and PPC
  • Call Centers
  • Social Media Marketing (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter)
  • Email marketing
  • blog writing
  • Outreach strategies

Lack of Drug Rehab Marketing Experience Loses Revenue

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Specialists Save DollarsUsing drug rehab marketing individuals or companies that have little or no advertising experience is a big mistake. When seeking a drug rehab marketing agency avoid those that use a cookie cutter solution. These large agencies plug you into their pre-fabricated program. They know it won’t work for every client. However, they also know there are over 14,000 centers nationwide. They are relying on the churn rate.

These same agencies rely on Google Ad Words and Facebook PPC. In July of 2017, this hurt many agencies with Google restrictions. Prior many centers were content with Google vacuuming out their wallet with the outrageous costs of Ad Words. The smaller players were getting very few treatment calls and admissions.

If you experienced this, you’re not alone. In fact, pay per click only accounts for 1.91% of the clicks on page one of Google. Can you guess how may click troughs organic results get? A whopping 70% for the first three organic slots. Also, we must consider the coveted Google 3-pack in the maps listings. This makes organic marketing much more fruitful than pay per click. The main obstacle for ranking on Google is poor drug rehab SEO.

Drug Rehab Marketing Consultants Prevent Wasted Dollars

The quote below is just a more sophisticated way of saying “you get what you pay for.” Considering the hiring of industry experienced addiction treatment marketing specialists for your substance abuse marketing. Research teams with deep knowledge in the addiction treatment industry. While there are many addiction treatment marketing mistakes, the #1 mistake is experimenting.

Trying to use inexperienced individuals, or teams who are new to the drug rehab industry is costly. This will cost you twice as much to correct, then using an experienced marketing organization. We see this all the time with the #1 reason web marketing fails for many drug rehabilitation recovery centers. Poor drug rehab website development costs $100,000’s is wasted marketing dollars.

“Vision without execution is a hallucination.” – Thomas Edison

Addiction Conferences Bring Thought Leaders Educating on Drug Rehab Marketing

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Specialists Save Dollars

Conferences by Behavioral Health Network Resources

Addiction professional conferences are meeting places to discuss business and drug rehab marketing strategies with your peers. You can also get valuable ethical marketing must know information. Being educating on the moments of change at addiction conferences is paramount.

Events that have Executive Thought Leaders are the most valuable. Behavioral Health Network Resources conferences feature 5 Executive Thought Leader consultants and addiction treatment marketing specialists as panelists. These consultants provide proven business and marketing solutions at every event. You can call Charles Davis at 561-235-6195 with questions about sponsoring, exhibiting or attending.

Drug Rehab Marketing Specialists Know What Buttons to Push

In a solid drug rehab marketing plan there are many moving parts. Take for instance our client inpatient drug rehabs San  Diego (Harmony Grove Recovery). They needed web development, search engine optimization and social media marketing. It also includes blog development, call center buys, billboards, radio, and TV. Marketing is also tied to EMR’s, CRM’s and billing. Substance abuse treatment centers owners need to put all these pieces together. All these aspects need to run like a well-oiled machine without making any mistakes. Only experienced addiction treatment marketing specialists can show how to avoid mistakes.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Specialists Save DollarsEvery business requires a steady flow of customers. The addiction treatment field is no different. There are many ways to attract clients to your business with the Internet being one of the most powerful. However, it can be prohibitively expensive. A lack of experience in addiction treatment marketing is costing you money, more money than you think. Many are not relying upon proven drug rehab consultants that know the business and marketing aspects.

  1. Addiction treatment marketing specialists for lead generation requires two mindsets:
    Drug rehab lead generation is an investment in the long-term sustainability of the business
  2. When you buy treatment calls they must be traceable to succeed.

Seek Information From Addiction Treatment Marketing Specialists to Avoid Costly Mistakes

Addiction treatment marketing specialists provide efficient drug rehab marketing strategies and reduce costs. Drug rehab marketing consultants, SEO experts, and a drug rehab marketing agency are vital. We specialize as industry drug rehab consultants, and as an addiction industry organic social media marketing leader. All of our clients need more than our 90-day marketing package providing drug rehab marketing solutions.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Specialists Save DollarsHowever, in your drug rehab marketing plan you should be building your own target audience that is your electronic asset. You also need reliable, educated and experienced website marketing to handle this complicated process. There are many specialized moving parts underneath. As consultants, we are well known across the nation in the behavioral health industry. If you would like to speak with an experienced addiction treatment web marketing company to see where your website is leaking, and costing you money contact our addiction treatment marketing specialist, Charles Davis at 561-235-6195.

Drug rehab lead generation requires an investment.  The amount of investment depends on how fast you want leads. It also depends on how many leads and the ability of the center to adapt to the incoming inquiries. If you don’t know how to prepare a drug rehab marketing budget, we can help you with no obligation phone call. The best leads are organic leads that come from your website, or from boots on the ground. This is what we see every month as drug rehab lead generation professionals. Call us now for drug rehab marketing that shows results in 60-90 days by ranking on page one of Google.


Drug Rehabs Routing 800 Numbers Stealing Clients

Addiction Conferences Inform About Addiction Treatment Center Re-routed 800 Numbers

Addiction Treatment Center Re-routed 800 Numbers is a huge problem nationwide. Many centers are unaware that their Google maps number has been hijacked. Even the ones that are aware, are finding an hour after they get it corrected, it is high jacked again. Behavioral Health Network Resources goal is to educate treatment center CEO’s on ethical business practices. The topic of addiction treatment center re-routed 800 numbers has come up at several of our addiction conferences.

These addiction conferences focus on ethical addiction treatment marketing practices. We noticed that this is a widespread national problem, felt it our responsibility to inform recovery centers across the nation. At the bottom of this post, you can listen to a national radio show broadcast educating on how to prevent this from happening to your center. We discuss valuable information on addiction treatment center re-routed 800 numbers. They are stealing your call center lead generation clients.  There are 100,000’s of calls of many treatment centers are being re-routed. This show reveals a couple of ways to protect your organization, including a double log-in process and checking you google maps daily.

Exposing Addiction Treatment Center Re-routed 800 Numbers

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehabs Routing 800 Numbers Stealing Clients➣ Addiction Treatment Center 800 number call forwarding, and how they are endangering many vulnerable individuals seeking help and putting their lives in danger

➣ Questions to ask to make sure your getting information on a safe and reputable treatment center

➣ Google maps hijacking and fake websites all designed to mislead families and addicts

➣ The bad side of marketers who use these types of illegal activities so they can fill Beds and fill their Pockets.

➣ How treatment centers and individuals seeking help can prevent patient brokering tactics above

➣ Information on getting involved with a class action law suit for treatment centers that have had their number high-jacked

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehabs Routing 800 Numbers Stealing ClientsOver 2000 addiction professionals have received valuable information from our Executive addiction conferences. These events feature five Executive Thought Leader panelists, and an interactive audience of 150-200, in a talk show host/town hall forum. Our events are for CEO’s. Executives, Directors, Marketing, and Outreach professionals.

Ethical Addiction Treatment Groups on Rehab Marketing

Join Addiction Professional Referral and Networking Group (16,000 ethical members assisting dozens everyday). We have 1,200 waiting to be approved, and we have banned over 6,000 individuals to date.

National Radio Show on Addiction Treatment Center Re-routed 800 Numbers

Enjoy the Addiction Treatment Center Re-routed 800 Numbers, Google Maps Hijacking Stealing Your Clients Show below.

Posted by RecoveryRadio.fm on Friday, March 24, 2017

Get Ready it Coming

Addiction Treatment Marketers; Bad Boys, Bad Boys, What Ya Gonna Do When They Come for You?

Addiction Treatment Marketers Be Aware

Addiction treatment marketers are feeling the heat from the national spotlight on West Palm Beach, Florida. However, the issues are nationwide and will continue unless we have industry regulation. Florida is the national leader on industry regulation by providing a formula that many other states will adopt with the exceptional legislative work that is being done here.

Addiction treatment marketers must be aware that the Sober Living Task Force has demonstrated Florida is serious about cleaning up the addiction treatment industry. Dave Aronberg (Florida State Attorney) Head of Sober Homes Task Force, and his army have raided many sober homes, treatment centers, and labs with many more to come. They have made it abundantly clear that if you are patient brokering, endangering lives, and operating outside of the law you will be in serious trouble with legal issues and possible jail time.

Addiction Treatment Marketers and Patient Brokering with the Florida Shuffle

Many addiction treatment marketers are well aware of the laws coming. Mr. Aronberg and his army are putting legislation in place (House Bill 807) to protect and save lives from patient brokering and bring regulation to the Wild, Wild, West. Everyone in the addiction treatment industry needs to know and clearly understand the changes in the law that are coming soon. These changes will drastically affect the current marketing and administrative practices of treatment centers and sober livings.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketers; Bad Boys, Bad Boys, What Ya Gonna Do When They Come for You?While some green “marketers” are still unaware of the current law, 2017 Florida Statute Chapter 817 Fraudulent Practices or in common language “patient brokering” (stricter laws and regulation in House Bill 807), that they are patient brokering, the press and social media exposure have made it difficult to have any compassion for anyone (patient brokers, or recovery advocates) who is in the gray area regardless if they are new to the industry.


The vast national “black market” of illegal addiction treatment marketers that have been abusing vulnerable and desperate individuals seeking treatment are being watched and investigated. These new laws affect many “patient brokers” and “recovery advocates” nationwide with the new Florida laws because many are tied into the treatment centers and sober livings in Florida that are getting busted. The new “Florida Model” laws will certainly be adopted nationwide especially in CA, TX, NY, and AZ to name a few. However, this is also going to affect the addiction treatment centers West Palm Beach.

It is paramount for West Palm Beach CEO’s, Owners, Directors, and Outreach to understand the new drug rehab marketing landscape and adopt ethical marketing and operating practices. Many in our industry have their opinions of what is ethical from second-hand information. This new era will ensure much-needed regulation, ensure everyone will understand the new laws, and generate true professionals in our industry that are qualified to make assessments for treatment and be labeled “professionals”.

Addiction Conferences Educate against Bad Addiction Treatment Marketers

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketers; Bad Boys, Bad Boys, What Ya Gonna Do When They Come for You?We provided first-hand information, and clarity from the driving force on these changes, why these changes are being made, and what’s in the near future at our addiction conferences. in Riveria Beach, FL. This event featured Al Johnson, Asst. Florida State Attorney, Head of Sober Living Task Force, PBSO Detective, PBCSAC, and more Executive Thought Leaders. The addiction conference had an interactive audience of 200, in a talk show host/town hall forum. It educated on what is coming in the near future and how to survive the major changes coming.

Now is the time to get involved with the Sober Homes Task Force, Heroin Task Force, Palm Beach County Substance Awareness Coalition. These organizations are re-molding our industry and weeding out corruption and removing dangerous disruption. You may also be interested in joining 16,000 of your ethical peers, and individuals seeking help in the Addiction Professional Referral Group. This is an extremely active and highly monitored group providing assistance for professionals to place their clients. This group has protocols in place against patient brokers (2,000 individuals banned in the last 10 months), and is self-regulated by all its members.