Why Will There be Wasted Drug Rehab Marketing Dollars?
Addiction treatment marketing dollars can be spent quickly without any type of return. Many drug rehabs are unaware they are wasting their drug rehab marketing budget allocated for 2020. There are many layers of their marketing mix that need to be in place to be effective and understood to not waste their marketing budget.
Many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers don’t realize the base number that they must invest yearly with their addiction treatment marketing dollars to grow ethically. There is a baseline number that addiction treatment centers and addiction sales/service organizations should be spending on their marketing budget. There are many components needed in their marketing mix; website, drug rehab SEO, pay per click, “DRIP” Campaigns, and mobile optimization. These are just a few of many. Some other areas are;
- call center lead generation
- snail mail
- email mail marketing
- organic rankings
- gorilla marketing
As the list goes on it also includes Facebook, LinkedIn, addiction professional conferences, branding, networking, knowing all the search engines, listings on high traffic addiction sites, being a thought leader and many more.
One more extremely important piece is putting into place analytics; Google analytics, and call tracking. Google is free, and call tracking is very inexpensive. The information that these give will save treatment centers big dollars. They must be able to tell what is working, what is not working, and adjust quickly to these situations.
Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars in the Mix
There are many that are not using a marketing mix in 2021, and not spending enough. They expect immediate results that they will not be able to achieve with what they have allocated for their marketing. There are big dollars that can be generated in profits. However, there is a cost to marketing in our industry. Being wise with their treatment centers addiction treatment marketing dollars is becoming paramount.
Many behavioral health organizations put all their marketing dollars into boots on the ground strategy. They are ignoring a drug rehab SEO marketing strategy drug rehab SEO marketing strategy. This tight-knit network can only produce a limited amount of referrals. This is extremely risky considering they are trading the same referrals. This is the #1 reason the turn over rate for outreach professionals is 6-12 months. At some point, treatment centers must generate new referrals.
Web marketing outperforms all other marketing combined, however, it requires a foundation including proper website development, SEO, and social media marketing. Owners must provide education and resources for their outreach professionals and provide them with useful tools instead of hiring them solely based on their referral sources. Contracting an experienced drug rehab marketing consultant can provide these tools in addition to guidance on how to properly set-up your website, SEO and social media marketing.
Caution with Valuable Drug Rehab Marketing Dollars
We have a client, that is utilizing our drug rehab social media marketing to maximize his treatment centers addiction treatment marketing dollars. This client is brand new to web marketing in our industry. They were shocked at how complicated and expensive it is to have a successful marketing campaign, and the many different components it entails.
We explained, there are about 75 big players spending $500,000-$1,500,000 per month just in PPC/ADWORDS. This makes it extremely difficult for small to medium players.
The smaller players often make a critical mistake when that are investing in their marketing. Their mistake is the very 1st step needed and is often skipped or not respected. The thought that this is too costly is extremely short-sighted because they burn much more than that before they figure out that what they are doing is not working.
Drug Rehab Marketing Revenue Saved by S.W.O.T.
We suggested to do a S.W.O.T analysis and explained, a SWOT analysis digs deep and reveals many cost-saving avenues for marketing. This is important because we need to know where the big players are spending and the players that are on your level. Without this crucial piece of intelligence the marketing it is just a guessing game and dollars are being wasted. This analysis also looks at where your web assets are leaking Google juice. Website development and SEO are the top mistakes made by organizations in the addiction treatment industry. Without these be set-up properly you will continue to waste marketing dollars.
This client knew we were thought leaders in marketing in the addiction treatment industry by our activity and exposure.
We carefully explained the many pain points in drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing. I went in depth on the many avenues to consider including PPC, call center lead generation, “drip” campaigns, mobile devices (#1 in conversion rates, and if your site is not mobile friendly GOOGLE will no longer index your site), Facebook, LinkedIn, organic site marketing vs paid site marketing, crowd sourcing organic model, and many more. It critical to find a way to follow-up with and keep putting all the individuals that called, inquired, or clicked through on their services through the sales funnel again, and again until they become a client.
This client with the help of our web marketing partners is now enjoying 4-6 new clients every month with an investment that is only a fraction of the revenue they are generating.
Learn Where You Are Spending Your Companies Addiction Treatment Marketing Dollars in 2021
Addiction treatment marketing dollars can be saved. Many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers take short-cuts, and many times take the lowest bidder for their marketing. Some hire a large drug rehab marketing agency thinking they are covered. Understanding why these mistakes are being made is paramount. These are critical mistakes that cost big money. Many owners do not like the experienced marketing leaders in our industry tell them, and the investment that is needed to generate clients. Taking the lowest bidder, and short-cuts costs twice as much than if you invested the time, money, and resources to get the many mechanisms in place for effective marketing. If these are not in place your web marketing efforts will be ineffective.
Addiction conferences are educating on the moments of change with the drug rehab marketing and business side of behavioral health. You can get valuable ethical marketing and business education at our addiction conferences educating on ethical business and drug rehab marketing. Each of our addiction conferences has 5 Executive thought leader panelists providing proven addiction recovery marketing strategies.