Tag Archives: Treatment Center Marketing

Linked In secrets addiction and behavioral health marketing charles Davis

Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One’s

Treatment Center Marketing Strategies Use LinkedIn for Drug Rehab Marketing

Treatment center marketing strategies can be extremely valuable. With the Coronavirus shutdown it’s more valuable than ever. However, many don’t know how to maximize it and not waste time. As a CEO, Executive, or Director now is the time to get these valuable tools to your staff.

LinkedIn is the most untapped avenue in the addiction treatment industry. It has over 650 million professionals and many tell me that they don’t know how to use it for any drug rehab marketing strategies. I have studied this social medium in depth because there is a tremendous amount of value for any addiction-related business.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sIt is paramount to know all the SECRETS, tricks, and back-doors to growing your professional audience and how to maximize LinkedIn for referral, sales, and branding. I have learned LinkedIn so well, that I started my own company in 2014, Behavioral Health Network Resources solely based on my LinkedIn addiction professional audience targeting the addiction industry.

How to Use LinkedIn for Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO Strategies

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One's

Drug rehab marketing and SEO strategies must be used on LinkedIn. Not only for traffic on LinkedIn but also on Google. This is more so than ever with the March 2020 Google update. Google is now giving SEO credit for no follow links. LinkedIn has one of the highest authority rantings. The addiction treatment industry can’t afford to ignore LinkedIn anymore. It’s too valuable for potential referrals, potential clients, and search engine optimization.

Imagine having your profile to show up on page one of Google for drug rehabs (followed by your city.)  This is the ultimate power of LinkedIn, and we explain more below. We are the only drug rehab marketing agency that has this SEO in our marketing package.

Let’s first look at LinkedIn. LinkedIn has an internal ranking system that I am sure many have seen “You are ranked in the top 1%”. I can make someone that has 100, 300, or 500 level one contacts rank in the one percent. This algorithm takes into account a rush of profile views and is not an indication of your utilization of LinkedIn.  CLICK HERE to see your true performance on LinkedIn and compare it to my score of 90. Many addiction treatment center marketing strategies over-look this valuable tool.

LinkedIn Questions to include in Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sThe first thing I ask is “How many level one contacts do you have?” The answer is usually around 500. Then I ask “How many groups do you belong to?” The answer is usually under 10. The last questions I ask is “How many people are following you?” The answer usually is I don’t know. I ask several other questions like; “Are you doing Pulse Posts?,” Are you sending them to your organization’s website?” and many more.

The most important thing I’ve learned as an Advertising Executive for the two largest papers in South Florida was that I wasn’t selling ads, editorials, web ads, inserts, and flyers. I was selling a large audience. I tell them for LinkedIn to be effective you need to have a big audience. You need to reach mass numbers of professionals that can assist in growing your business.

Addiction Treatment Marketing and SEO Be More Efficient

Addiction treatment marketing does not respect LinkedIn. However, this is the #1 professional networking website in the world. You cannot go anywhere else and reach a higher number of potential professional referral sources. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional meeting place and the most underutilized medium with addiction treatment marketing strategies. If you’re not putting in the time to utilize it you’re missing out. There are many tricks and shortcuts to utilizing LinkedIn which I will feature in future posts.

Ask yourself “How much is my time worth?… $100/hr, $200/hr, $500/hr. If your spending 5 hours a week on LinkedIn, that’s 20 hours a month, …240 hours a year! If you do not understand how to maximize your time, and get a return, your just wasting time and money. If you’re interested in learning all the secrets, tricks, and back doors of LinkedIn, or want to inquire about our 90-day social media marketing package feel free to contact me at 561-235-6195, or info@behavioralhealthnetworkresources.com.

LinkedIn’s Power for Treatment Center Marketing

Sure, you can post on the main board, but are you reaching your contacts and the most connected in your field? For LinkedIn to be effective on a mass scale you need at least 5,000 targeted level one connections. You must consider this in your addiction treatment marketing strategies. LinkedIn offers many marketing resources for all industries.

If you have 500 level one LinkedIn addiction professional contacts, you can send a message directly to their board. Posting an article doesn’t mean they saw it. Everyone’s main board is always moving. Every time a connection posts something it gets added to the top of their level one connections board.  Hint, re-share your article 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night). Don’t have 5,000 level one connections?  You better be utilizing LinkedIn groups.

Addiction Outreach Needs to Join and Use Groups

You are getting the idea now that you need to reach a large number of targeted connections to get any exposure. If you have 5,000 addiction professional level one contacts (there are tricks in growing your level one contacts-more on that in future posts) the chances are much better than only having 500. Get the picture.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sIf you belong to 10 groups (LinkedIn allows you to belong to 100’s) and post in all 10 groups, you could reach 10,000+ depending on the number of members the groups contain. Now, if you belong to 50 groups you get five times more exposure. There are ways of posting in all 25 groups or more at the same time which takes less than 30 seconds. I will let you in on that secret next time.

Now, look at the followers you have. This can be found at the top your profile page, in the box underneath the top box that has your name on it. You can’t control or solicit for followers. People will follow you if they are interested in what you are doing on LinkedIn. I have over 24.000 addiction professional and behavioral health followers. These followers see my activity.

Social Media Marketing Audience

Social media drug rehab marketing marketing must be included in every treatment centers marketing mix. However, as a CEO you must realize that this takes time. You can’t gain access to this powerful tool overnight. It takes proper SEO on their blog posts and a distribution channel that they own. There are only a few options to tap into an existing large audience, and grow an audience of their own.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One's

I switched fields in 2014 and have since grown my LinkedIn network to the following;

  • 20,000 Addiction Professional Level One Connections on LinkedIn
  • 24,000 Addiction and Behavioral Health Followers
  • Own 14 LinkedIn Addiction and Behavioral Health Professional Groups with over 50,000 members (Addiction Professional Referral Group has over 14,000 members)
  • Have 12,000 Facebook Addiction-Related Friends
  • Own 40 Facebook Addiction and Behavioral Health Groups with over 150,000 members
  • Active Addiction Professional Email List of 25,000
  • Have 2,300 Addiction related to Twitter Followers

Addiction Treatment Marketing Strategies Require a Large Audience

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sThis is one of the largest professional audiences in the addiction professional field. I started Behavioral Health Network Resources and EMP Series C-suite addiction conferences with LinkedIn being the foundation of my company. Since February 2014, I have branched off into many areas for treatment centers, detox’s, and sales/service organizations. The biggest impact has been with drug rehab SEO services. This is the key for small to medium centers to survive the competition. All of this has only been possible because individuals see by my activity that I am a leader in the treatment center marketing arena for addiction professionals.

The Ultimate Hidden Power of Linked for Drug Rehab Marketing

Many do not understand the ultimate power of a LinkedIn profile. We already know LinkedIn has 550 million professionals on it. Consider this, Google has over 2 billion users every month. Getting a LinkedIn profile on page one of Google for addiction terms is the ultimate in drug rehab SEO. There is no other drug rehab marketing agency that has achieved this. Imagine if you ranked for money key search terms for addiction treatment.;

  • California drug rehabs (we are on page one)
  • opiate detox West Palm Beach (we are on page one)
  • drug rehabs West Palm Beach (we are on page one)
  • impatient drug rehabs San Diego
  • opiate detox San Diego
  • inpatient drug rehabs Escondido
  • alcohol detox San Diego
  • outpatient drug rehabs Van Nuys (our client has top organic slots with LinkedIn and Facebook business profiles)
  • drug rehabs Los Angeles (our client is on page one and in maps)
  • drug rehab SEO (3 top 10 listings on page one)
  • drug rehabs San Diego (our client is on page one)
  • drug rehabs New Jersey (our client is in maps and on page one)
  • drug rehab marketing agency (3 top 10 listings on page one)
  • drug rehab marketing (3 top 10 listings with my personal profile shows up on page one)
  • drug rehab SEO
  • drug rehab marketing consultants
  • drug rehab consultants

Not only is the traffic astronomically higher on Google, but think about the authority this has. Having your LinkedIn business or personal profile show-up one page one of Google gains instant trust. Combine page one rankings with your treatment centers URL and Maps and you are guaranteed a click through. Our drug rehab SEO has taken clients like SOBA College recovery from 750 keywords ranking on google to a whopping 4,000 in a 5 month period. Ask about our 90-day drug rehab SEO marketing and social media package.

Addiction Conferences Series on Social Media Tools for Outreach

All addiction treatment centers, sober livings, and sales and service organizations should have a large drug rehab marketing on social media. Bare in mind that posts should be high quality going to an in-depth blog article that is attracting, engaging, and touches an emotional level. Many outreach professionals do a poor job and distribute poor content. If you take the time to build a large targeted audience, make sure the content is worth reading to your target audience.

The problem is it takes time to build a targeted audience. Many organizations in our industry use short-term solutions to their long-term problem of generating clients. They are resorting to Google Ad Words and boots on the ground. This boots on the ground strategy are only exchanging the same referrals back and forth. They are only so many referrals that any center has at any given time.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One's

The big payoff is having a large targeted audience you own and being able to get your message to them. This should include private clinicians, EAP’s, attorneys, hospitals, etc.. LinkedIn is where they are. Want to learn how to gain access to these untapped referral sources? You can learn more at our addiction conferences Series. “Get Linked for Addiction Professional on 5/20/20. We will cover how outreach can utilize LinkedIn to gain new referral sources, drug rehab marketing, and utilizing LinkedIn for SEO.

Treatment Center Marketing Strategies What Can LinkedIn Do?

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sWe provide Addiction conferences (read the over 30 testimonials from one of our SOLD out events like the Addiction VIP Symposium). We also provide our 90-day drug rehab SEO and social media addiction treatment marketing packages tapping your organization into our large audience. This program also grows an audience for you and will set-up referral relationships that are extremely valuable to treatment center marketing professionals,

LinkedIn addiction professional profile package, connecting private clinicians, EAP’s, Interventionists, LMHC’s, attorneys, detox centers, and all addiction-related businesses. I have several treatment centers that have contacted me as a marketing consultant. BHNR has done marketing for;

  • Recovery Bay
  • SOBA College Recovery
  • Sober District
  • Emerald Neuro Recovery
  • Harmony Grove Recovery
  • Challenges Treatment Center
  • Sigmund Software
  • Edna’s Sober House
  • helped high-level addiction professionals find employment

Utilize These Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Strategies on LinkedIn

Addiction treatment center marketing strategies are greatly needed for drug rehabs, sales and service organizations, and professionals. Use this informative article or give us a call at 561-235-6195 about our LinkedIn drug rehab marketing training, LinkedIn profile management and our treatment center 90-day SEO and social media package including LinkedIn and Facebook. We present nationally “Get Linked for Addiction Professionals,” and have held 16 addiction conferences.

We can tell within 60 seconds of looking at a profile if an individual is utilizing LinkedIn or just wasting their time. With the current landscape of the behavioral health industry this a is must for all treatment center marketing strategies and addiction treatment centers overall.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sJoin Addiction Professional Referral Group, our most popular LinkedIn group with 13,000 addiction professionals and get connected with many drug rehab marketing professionals. They are trying to assist clients when they cannot provide the needed services. This group provides the latest addiction and behavioral health information in the industry. It also lists addiction and behavioral jobs from companies that are hiring. You will also get the latest information on addiction conferences and networking events. Some of the other information includes accreditation Information, treatment centers and Detox’s that are for sale, and buyers that are interested in purchasing addiction treatment centers, and much more…

If you are in the addiction treatment industry become part of my Addiction Professional Network of 24,000 level one connections on LinkedIn by clicking here and  learn about drug rehab marketing.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One's

60 of the Webs Best Addiction and Behavioral Health Groups to Join with over 210,000 Members

Charles Davis LinkedIn Top Contributor

A list of drug rehab SEO citations for addiction treatment centers.

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO’s

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations What Are They?

Drug rehab marketing citations are the main factor in ranking in Google Maps. These critical backlinks are focused on the name, address and phone (NAP) of the addiction treatment center. In fact, we understand these so well, that we now offer a drug rehab marketing maps ranking program. We can get your substance abuse rehabilitation center ranked on the top 3 in Google Maps for key search terms in 30-60 days.. This is critical since there are over 40,000 searches on Google every second. Ranking in Google Maps always generates qualified calls, and a drastic increase in admissions. You can call Charles Davis at 561-235-6195 to get the affordable pricing.

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sNAP stands for name, address, and phone number. This is the basic info businesses provide on their online platforms to make it easy for clients to find them. Additional information that is important to have on your site includes hours of operation, the physical location of your business, type of business, and social profiles aligned to your business.

Every time NAP data is recorded on a site, it is referred to as NAP citation. NAP citations are crucial in making your business visible both online and offline. They also help users to understand what your business is about, what services you offer and how to reach you. If NAP citation is not properly done, however, they can send mixed signals to core search engines such as Google and data generators, leaving those who visit your site more confused about you and your business.

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Ranking on Page One of Google is Paramount

Drug rehab marketing has become a difficult task for generating leads. You probably clicked on this article to find out what new trouble is going on with addiction treatment centers owners. If you don’t know what a citation is and how it can generate treatment calls you are in the correct place.

Citations are the foundation that enable you to rank on page one of Google. Google critically checks these for several reasons. It wants to know you are a legit business therefore you must register on highly rated listing websites. Google also wants to prevent spam in the maps section. Many rehabilitation centers have done a poor job with citations.

There is a considerable increase in the number of Addiction Treatment Centers countrywide and new marketing laws. If you’re solely relying on boots on the ground your center is a great risk on many levels. This also means to attract more clients to your center; you must find a way to rise above the competition.

Your advertising and marketing strategies must be exceptional both on and offline. Every successful business today has an online presence. Let’s look at how you can improve your online marketing strategy.

99% of Drug Rehab Marketing Doesn’t Rank on Google

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sOld drug rehab marketing strategies die hard. Rehab Owners have always relied on PPC as their main strategy. In 2019 that strategy is no longer as effective. The benefits of organically ranking on page one of Google for key terms greatly outweighs PCC. Since 99% of your competition is not there, this is the best way to compete against the big players and the aggregates. Consider this, Google AdWords, or PPC only generate 2% of page one clicks. Google Maps and the first three organic slots get about 60% of the clicks. The best part is you do not have to pay for the click over and over again.

Try and Google “drug rehabs” followed by your city. Then Google “drug rehabs” followed by your state. In an example, drug rehabs Los Angeles, and Los Angeles drug rehabs California drug rehabs. You can see who is paying for the clicks and who ranks in maps and the first three slots organically. You want to rank on page one for all your key services like;

  • Drug rehabs
  • Inpatient drug rehabs
  • Outpatient drug rehabs
  • Opiate detox
  • Alcohol detox
  • Sober homes

Call Charles Davis at 561-235-6195 to get information on the lowest cost per acquisition method by ranking in Google maps for key terms in 30-60 days!. This program can also be packaged with our social media marketing package. In our social media advertising package you instantly get tapped into out captured addiction and behavioral health social media audience of over 200.000!

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Help Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Drug rehab marketing citations and SEO go hand in hand. SEO is a process used to improve a website’s rank in Google’s search results. For every addiction treatment center to successfully create marketing campaigns, they must follow certain steps in search engine optimization. What are the top 3 things to do for SEO with drug rehab marketing?

  1. Start by doing keyword research. This is the first step in optimizing your website. To do this, use platforms such as Google Keyword Planner which will help you explore the various keywords others in your industry use. Having knowledge of these keywords is imperative because it helps you develop a marketing strategy in the same language your audience uses to communicate. So when potential clients are looking for an Addiction Treatment Center, they will most likely search using the same wording thus making it easier for them to find your site.
  2. Once you identify your keywords, use them in various pages of your site, ensuring you have one primary keyword for each of your pages. This helps in ranking your site’s individual pages each time someone uses a unique keyword to your nice. It helps you grab the user’s attention before they can move on to your competitors’ sites.
  3. Over and above using the right keywords, SEO also involves instinctive site design. This means ensuring your images are adequately compressed, videos embedded, and that your site has efficient HTML coding. When all these elements are put together, your site will have a greater presence that attracting new clients to your Addiction Treatment Center.

Capitalizing on Back-links Increases SEO with Drug Rehab Marketing Citations

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sThe key to drug rehab marketing on the web is back-links. This was a lesson learned by Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach. The new marketing laws originated in the Sunshine State. Once these new laws started many ethical operators found themselves struggling. Back-links also known as external or inbound links are those that point from other sites back to yours. When back-links are used properly, they help search engines decide how popular and authoritative your site is, as well as its relative significance on the web.

Back-links ultimately help make your site popular. In Google’s algorithm for Page Ranking, every time a hyperlink occurs in a web page, it is taken as a vote of confidence for that particular page’s websites recommend other sites with quality content to their audiences. This is why drug rehab marketing citations are important. For instance, a pharmaceutical site is likely to an Addiction Treatment Center. A website about fishing licenses is likely to link to a site about fishing and so on and so forth. So, the more other sites back-link to yours, the higher your SEO ranking.

Building SEO Back-links Requires a Good Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Agency

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sA good drug rehab marketing agency will know to build industry back-links. Back-links are not just about making your site popular. They are a key component of drug rehab marketing. Your site will not just get a good Page Rank because of the number of times other sites have linked to yours. The system also factors in trust, authority, and relevance of your site and content.

In fact, some back-links can work against your ranking. If your back-links seem unnatural, Google will penalize you thus pushing your site further down in the Page Rank system. For instance, if your Addiction Treatment Center is back-linked to a Hunters Club website, this would be an example of unnatural back-links.

The basic guideline for using back-links is:

  • Good back-links are derived from authority websites in your industry. These are non-spam-my websites with content that is similar to that on your site. They are from experts who write about topics similar to yours. However, you can get creative and use drug rehab marketing on websites for cities and towns..
  • Bad links are those that are derived from websites that have no relationship to yours. For example, an insurance brokerage site back-linking to a dog training site. Search unnatural links only harm your ranking.
  • Ugly back-links are those that come from spam sites, link farms, sell links and sites with poor quality content.

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Relationship to SEO

Poor drug rehab marketing citations equal bad drug rehab marketing which translates to SEO ranking. This is one of the lessons that need to be learned from “Drug Rehab Marketing SEO Vs. Digital Darwinism.” It’s a crucial lesson because search engines also rely on understanding your business when ranking.

So how can you build citations for your Addiction Treatment Center? Marketing for an Addiction Treatment Center differs from marketing for any other business. It’s critical to use the correct citations for this unique industry. Search engines such as Google already know a whole lot about your business.

However, it still needs to use aggregated data to make decisions on what is displayed in search results. For instance, if a user types ‘find a drug rehab close to San Diego, California, Google can decide to use a local citation of your Addiction Treatment Center in Indiana in displaying the search results.

California Drug Rehabs Need SEO

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO's

California drug rehabs are struggling from new patient brokering laws and Legit Script certification. To be eligible for Google AdWords, and PPC on Facebook you need Legit Script certification. This is making it difficult for many addiction treatment centers across the US.

This is also true for the best drug rehabs San Diego rehabilitation centers. They have little understanding in search engine optimization. They are uneducated on the over 200 ranking factors that Google spiders are looking for to rank pages.

Getting on the first page of Google is a difficult task even for the best drug rehab marketing and SEO specialists. This process takes time. Rehabilitation centers can expect to wait for about 90-days to be making an impact on the SERPs. However, the payoff is that the first 3 organic rankings on page one of Google get bout 60% of the clicks.

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Are Not a Guarantee of Page One Rankings with SEO

Drug rehab marketing citations is not a guarantee that your business will appear in the search results but it’s very useful for location-specific searches. Google always takes into consideration local citations when presenting search results. That is why your NAP citations should be as specific as possible. While citations are the foundation of SEO, there are many other things that must be done.

Here is where the biggest problem for drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers lie. There is so much to be done however this comes at a cost. Many CEO and Marketing Directors do not have a large enough drug rehab marketing budget. They are too used to using pay per click which is not as effective in 2020. Drug rehab SEO takes time, money, and dedication to work. It takes approximately 3-4 months to start ranking for popular long-tail keywords. This only happens when many things are done correctly.

For Addiction Treatment Centers, citation building and local marketing yield best results. When business owners work with industry experts who understand the relevance of vertical directories. Working with a professional will help guarantee visibility and the highest reach for your Addiction Treatment Center, within the addiction treatment industry.

California CEO’s Get Proven Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO Training

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO's

Drug rehab marketing citations play a critical role in ranking in Google Maps. CEO’s must first understand that ranking organically on page one for key terms is paramount to generating clients. A few understand that ranking organically can generate 1000’s of calls without repeatedly paying for the click. Behavioral Health Network Resources holds three addiction conferences every year on drug rehab marketing. check out our next event providing drug rehab SEO solutions and outreach tools for referral sources. This and many more addiction conferences are offered by Behavioral Health Network Resources every year. In fact, in 2022 they are going to be starting holding these events every three months. These should be attended by all addiction treatment centers.

These much needed c-suite executive events provide immediate solutions to Owners long-term problem of generating clients and outreach tools. This event covers;

  • How to ethically fill beds?
  • What is the AdWords, Legit Script controversy?
  • Teach what to do for SEO
  • How Google AdWords and Legit Script are wasting marketing dollars?
  • Why 99% of rehab websites have SEO holes on their websites repeatedly wasting $10,000’s of dollars?
  • How to properly use press releases to generate leads?

Learning Drug Rehab Marketing Citations and SEO Strategies

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sDrug rehab marketing citations  are a difficult task. A complete understanding of SEO, back-links, and citations is critical. The main area of drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers need to focus on is search engine optimization. Relying on Google AdWords, PPC and Legit Script certification is no longer effective. An even less expensive way is to rank in Google Maps. We can get you ranked in 30-60 days for major addiction treatment search words.

BHNR offers several key drug rehab marketing packages. These all will compete against the big players spending big money. A “boots on the ground” strategy is one sided and must be accompanied by a web advertising plan. Behavioral Health Network Resources drug rehab marketing agency provides the following.

  • drug rehab SEO 90-day program
  • social media advertising package instantly tapping into a captured audience of over 200,000
  • Google Maps marketing package that gets your center ranked on pn the top 3 of maps for key search term in 30-60 days

With the lead generators and large treatment centers spending over $500,000 per month the smaller centers are wasting advertising dollars. The small centers need to play smarter. They need to incorporate SEO in their drug rehab marketing citations. Reach out to us at 561-235-6195 we can provide a no-obligation drug rehab SEO report and show you how you are wasting advertising dollars.

website structure 8 1

Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Hurts Marketing

This entry was posted in drug rehab website development, Addiction Treatment Marketing, Drug Rehab Consultants, Drug Rehab Lead Generation, Drug Rehab Marketing, Drug Rehab Marketing Agencies, Drug Rehab Marketing Consultants, Drug Rehab Marketing Information, Rehab Marketing, Rehab Marketing Ideas, Website Development and SEO and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on by .


What Are the Top 3 Reasons Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Hurts Drug Rehab Marketing?

Drug rehab SEO Website development and design are drastically affecting drug rehab marketing for addiction treatment centers, opiate detox centers, inpatient rehab, and IOP treatment programs. Understanding the many components needed including; design, drug rehab SEO, and branding are critical for successful web marketing. These are all paramount to generate drug rehab leads and customers for sales/service organization in our industry. However, it requires an ongoing, in-depth knowledge of the crucial role website structure plays. Drug rehab SEO website development is complex for drug and alcohol addiction treatment center web marketing.

Understanding How Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Effects Treatment Calls Lead Generation

Addiction treatment centers are facing their most difficult challenges ever with drug rehab SEO and drug rehab marketing. Generating enough clients to sustain their business has become a daunting necessity. The insurance companies are now paying for shorter lengths of stay and less reimbursement for drug testing. This combined with new laws in Florida on patient brokering, Google PPC restrictions and algorithm changes, have many centers frustrated and struggling to gain clients. We are seeing many centers close their doors, merge, or get bought out by wall street investors.

As a treatment center owner, you most likely started your center because you have a passion to help and extensive knowledge of addiction. That most likely shows with the clinical aspect of your center. However, many centers fall because they do not respect, or understand drug rehab SEO marketing.

Understanding the Value of Proper Website Development

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Hurts MarketingThe current behavioral health industry landscape requires that recovery centers learn better addiction treatment marketing practices including the status of the drug rehab SEO website development. Website development is the major building block for their drug rehab marketing. Relying solely on outreach, and buying rehab leads to maintain an acceptable census puts them at great risk.  Addiction treatment lead generation and producing treatment calls is difficult on the web. Drug rehabilitation owners often use short-term solutions to their long-term problem.

Drug Rehab SEO Marketing Outperforms All Other Marketing Combined

When the money was flowing, there was no reason to have drug rehab SEO website development or a healthy marketing mix. Addiction treatment centers and opiate detox centers threw a ton of money at their rehab marketing with PPC, bought some VOB treatment calls (no longer legal in Florida,) relied on Outreach and that was the extent of their marketing plan. They demanded immediate results which have caused industry-wide thought process concerning marketing. Concentrating on short-term solutions, to their long-term problem of generating clients, puts them at great risk of not surviving in the red ocean.

Website structure the #1 Ingredient for Drug Rehab SEO

Drug Rehab SEO website development needs proper website structure. Many drug rehabilitation centers think web marketing does not work. The main reason is when they implemented it into their substance abuse marketing their website lacked proper structure. They were investing money in drug rehab SEO that could not perform. Without proper structure, Google spiders will not rank or penalize the website.

Substance abuse web marketing is complicated, competitive, and requires knowledge beyond addiction treatment. Drug rehab SEO website development needs to have the proper foundation to produce treatment calls. It must be the start of your drug rehab marketing and lead generation.

Web marketing outperforms all other marketing combined when set-up correctly and executed properly. Speaking with many treatment center CEO’s and Executives, many say web marketing does not work. Our immediate response is let’s look at your electronic assets and how they are set-up.

1. Proper Website Structure = Drug Rehab SEO Marketing Results

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Hurts MarketingLet’s first look at the website. Website structure is the critical starting point for drug rehab SEO performance. The aesthetics of treatment centers websites are often beautiful, showing pictures of the beach, and amenities. The aesthetics of a website are only a fraction of what is needed for web marketing. When a house is being built, the foundation is the most important aspect. Without a strong foundation, your house will fall. With web marketing, proper structure is the original building block.

We recently spoke with Brian Frye, CEO, of Magna Technologies, a highly respected industry website design company and attendee favorite panelist at BHNR’s Ethical Marketing Practices Conferences, about the status of treatment centers websites. Here is what he had to say,

“The biggest problem is poor website structure. Centers do not understand how damaging this is to their marketing.”

Website Structure 1st Step in Addiction Treatment Center Marketing

Proper website structure is a critical aspect of a websites SEO and critical for drug rehab marketing. It will be one of the main factors in generating revenue or wasting marketing dollars. Poor drug rehab SEO website development causes Google (and other search engines) to do one of two things. They will either not read and rank your site or penalize your site for structural errors. If you have an efficient website structure in Googles eyes, you get rewarded in many ways (Google juice) with higher rankings. Poor structure is one of the main reasons why many treatment centers say web marketing does not work. SEO is also a huge factor for many addiction treatment centers.

Get a Website Designed and Developed by an Experienced Drug Rehab Professional with In-depth Knowledge Beyond the Addiction Treatment Industry

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Hurts MarketingThe “big boys in the sandbox” understand better drug rehab SEO website development equals higher rankings in search engines and more clicks. These big players use professional and experienced webmasters with experience beyond the addiction treatment industry. Their sites use an efficient, clean and trimmed hierarchy. The small to medium players usually use unskilled individuals with limited knowledge of proper structure. Their hierarchy is generally disorganized, jumbled and not optimized for Google. This is an area that the small to medium size treatment centers can gain ground against the competition (big and small) on the web if they include it in their drug rehab marketing plan.

2. Pay Attention to These Areas of Drug Rehab SEO Website Structure

While this article cannot cover all that is involved with proper website development and structure, here are some areas that must be addressed.

Schema.org (Schema) Advanced Search Tactic

Schema is a syntactic vocabulary that is added to HTML that improves how spiders read and present a web page in SERP’s. This is an absolute must in your drug rehab SEO website development.

Google can read every language, however, it’s native tongue is the schema. This is the key to drug rehab SEO. It allows search engines to more clearly understand and read sites more quickly. It is becoming paramount for all websites to correctly incorporate schema where ever possible on their website for several reasons. It gives the ability for search engines to pull better rich snippets and rich data that makes a website link stand out and gain real estate in SERP’s, increasing clicks.

Voice Search Get Ahead of other Rehabilitation Centers

Getting ahead of the competition is easy if you know what’s coming. Secondly, it is becoming a necessity in the new age of voice search. As we pointed out in an earlier article, treatment centers and ancillary service organizations in the addiction treatment industry are suffering from digital Darwinism. Organizations in the addiction treatment industry do not have a firm understanding of the many aspects of SEO and now comes along voice search.

Digital voice search is one of the newest technological advances in the ways consumers get information. It is rapidly becoming a crucial part of the way our potential clients will get information they are seeking at home (Google Home, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Amazons Alexa,) and on mobile devices (Android, and Apple.) ComScore.com predicts that by 2020, 50 percent of all searches will be voice searches.

Implementing Schema on a website is like placing a direction post on a highway. It quickly gets the spiders to the information that correctly answers a voice query. This is important because voice queries depend on implied content. Proper schema helps provide the content rather than the spiders using an ambiguous page of text.

Implementing Drug Rehab SEO Schema and Asking the Right Questions

One of the biggest issues with schema is many do not know how to properly place it on a website.  According to schema.org, there are only 10 million websites using schema.org markup. While this may seem like a lot, only 1% of websites have implemented it. This can give a treatment center an edge with marketing. This should be included in their drug rehab marketing strategy. Some of the areas where you should incorporate schema are;

  • Site Navigation Element
  • About Page
  • GMB Map (Google Maps)
  • WP Footer
  • WP Header
  • WP Side Bar

3. Proper Drug Rehab SEO Website Structure gets more Google real-estate with Site-links

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Hurts MarketingReported by a leading drug rehab SEO agency site-links are links and descriptions of the different parts of your website that show up in SERP’s. This is a Google’s SEO golden nugget that improves click-through rates, however, there are several pieces that need to be in place to achieve this golden award.  They also are huge in SEO by making navigation easier, dominating SERP’s, brand reputations, and building trust with Google and the user. One of those important pieces is a good website structure (trust and brand reputation are also factors.) If you have a poor website structure, it is highly unlikely that you will achieve a sitemap in Google listings. This causes a reduction in targeted traffic and lower clicks of your target audience.

Here is an example of a search that achieves a site link. Try typing into Google search your center and see if your organization shows a site link. If it does not, you either have no site-link, or it is incorrectly implemented.

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Hurts Marketing

A quote from Google Webmaster clearly showing the importance of proper website development; We only show site links for results when we think they’ll be useful to the user. If the structure of your site doesn’t allow our algorithms to find good site links, or we don’t think that the site links for your site are relevant for the user’s query, we won’t show them.

Top 8 Mistakes with Drug Rehab SEO Website Development

While Google doesn’t provide a step by step drug rehab website development procedure there are certain things that should be in place to achieve site links.

  1. Unique website name
  2. Clear website structure and navigation
  3. #1 rank organically for the search term
  4. Implementation of sitemap.xml to your Google search counsel account
  5. Build internal links
  6. Cross check page titles
  7. Brand Awareness on social media
  8. Better Website Development and Structure Means Better Website Crawling

Google spiders search billions of pages on the web and compile a massive index. Their algorithm has over 200 factors. According to Google, it is a must that they can crawl and index your site correctly. If you have poor drug rehab website development, chances are extremely slim in achieving a coveted site-link in Google search.

Learn From the Top 3 Reasons Drug Rehab SEO Website Development Hurts Drug Rehab Marketing

Poor drug rehab SEO website development structure is the #1 reason why addiction treatment lead generation fails. Google heavily uses the user’s experience to rank any given site. Google’s algorithm considers many factors. In addition, it looks at loading speed (after 2 seconds you lose 50% of the audience), click-through rates, time on site and frequency of visits to name a few. This article pinpoints these 3 key areas for recovery centers to look for and understand in their marketing.

  1. Proper Website Structure = Poor Web Marketing Results. Get your website built by an industry professional
  2. Pay Attention to Schema and Voice Search
  3. Proper Website Structure gets more Google real-estate with Site-links

If recovery centers can’t get to page one of Google they can’t generate addiction treatment calls. This article outlines the most common mistakes made with drug rehab SEO by leading industry drug rehab SEO professional Charles Davis. Give us a call, we are drug rehab marketing specialists and we will quickly evaluate your SEO. We also provide SEO training. If you would like us to evaluate your organization’s website contact Charles Davis at CEO@BehavioralHealthNetworkResources.com, or give him a call at 561-235-6195.

Top 3 rehab marketing mistakes behavioral health network resources

Top 3 Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links Losing Revenue

The top 3 drug rehab marketing missing links in 2022 are critical in addiction treatment center marketing plans. A buy rehab leads strategy and drug rehab call centers are no longer sustainable. Drug rehab marketing is complicated, competitive; it must be respected and understood to achieve results. Addiction treatment center marketing is a red ocean with many competing to have a page one ranking in organic searches. It takes specialized and experienced professionals in many different areas; web development, content SEO writers, Google analytics, call tracking professionals, and many more to produce treatment calls. Hopefully, you are including the top 3 drug rehab marketing missing links.

What Are the Top 3 Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links?

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 3 Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links Losing Revenue

The top 3 drug rehab marketing mistakes are extremely common. This article assumes that you properly invested in your website, and it’s not included in the top 3 drug rehab marketing missing links. In addition, be aware of the new Google speed algorithm update. You need to be sure your pages lightning fast when loading on mobile. If not, you will lose web traffic from organic searches because you will not be ranking high on organic listings. In addition, to have the top 3 drug rehab marketing missing links, you need social signals from many sources to get Google juice from the Google spiders to gain organic rankings on Google (2.3 million searches per second).

If you are a savvy drug and alcohol addiction treatment center owner you should know about the drug rehab marketing agency cookie cutter option that does not produce phone calls. You must have industry experienced professional drug rehab marketing agency building, and strategically constructing your timepiece. In addition, you should use a drug rehab marketing consultant that can save you $100,000’s on your marketing and avoid costly mistakes. One of the biggest mistakes is in web development of your timepiece. I say timepiece because a website is like a watch with many intricate moving parts underneath that must work in perfect harmony to satisfy the Google Gods.

Drug Rehab SEO Marketing and Training

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 3 Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links Losing RevenueDrug rehab SEO starts with a structurally correct website. There are many nuances that are unique to drug and alcohol addiction treatment industry and having a family member or a friend build your website will cost you wasted dollars in the end. This thing is, you will not know they are wasted. One of the main reasons addiction treatment centers fall into this is because they have a buy rehab leads mentality.

Many are taking a short-term solution to their long-term problem with their census. If your website is not set-up correctly, Google will not rank your website. After your website is structurally correct, you need to have all the pages SEO’d. This is where many fail. Behavioral Health Network Resources not only provides SEO service that gets you ranked, but we also sit down with you and teach you the many things you can do on your own. Our 90-day drug rehab SEO marketing program gives you the tools and shows you how to achieve many aspects of SEO on your own.

#1 of the Top Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links – Google Analytics

The first of the top 3 drug rehab marketing missing links is Google analytics. Many say they have it, but few understand this extremely valuable tool. This must be used to understand what is working, and what is not working in your marketing mix. Even if you are using a buy drug rehab leads strategy, you must know if the leads you are buying are generating traffic. It’s in our top 3 drug rehab missing links because this travel guide is telling you exactly what to do for your addiction treatment marketing to produce results.

This rehab marketing tool should be used daily.

Google analytics can tell you about geographical locations, traffic sources, content visited real-time metrics, or over any period. It can also tell you the number of visitors to your site for any period, your visitor’s interests, engagement, what pages your potential clients are visiting once they are on your site, and how long they were there.

#2 of the Top 3 Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links – Call Tracking

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 3 Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links Losing Revenue

The second of the top 3 drug rehab marketing missing links is call tracking. This is an absolute must, and an inexpensive tool providing vital data for your addiction treatment center marketing. Again, you must have this tool to understand if the calls being generated are from your buy drug rehab leads funnel. If you don’t have it you should implement it.

This tells you exactly what parts of your addiction treatment marketing mix are generating calls.

Call tracking is a slick tool that tells you the path they took on your website, name of the caller, location, date, time and length of the call. Even more powerful for your drug rehab marketing is you can assign a unique phone number for every aspect of your marketing. You can assign a single number for all your Facebook marketing. A single number for each of your splash pages. A single number for the call center you are using, and many more.

#3 of the Top 3 Drug rehab Marking Missing Links – Social Media Educates Against a Buy Rehab Leads Strategy

The last of the top 3 drug rehab marketing missing links is social media marketing. This was an unexpected lesson I learned when I started my drug rehab marketing agency. I kind of understood social media by intimately knowing LinkedIn. However, I did not realize how much powerful Facebook was in growing targeted groups and driving much more targeted traffic to a website (500-1000 views per article in a 5-7-day period.)

I also learned that the power of Facebook is in the personal profiles and owning groups. We ran tests over a year on our Facebook drug rehab marketing page which was robust and compared that to our personal profiles, and 14 addiction and behavioral health groups. The results were astounding clear that the power of Facebook lies in the personal profiles and groups we owned. The activity and engagement were 100 times greater! It made me realize the drug rehab marketing mistakes that many treatment centers make in their drug rehab marketing plan.

Social media allows you to reach the largest audience over any other medium. Used correctly, you can reach potential addiction treatment clients in large numbers. Here are the must use social media for treatment center marketing; Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and G+.

Many centers do not understand the different social mediums, and how to unleash the power they possess. Each medium has its own secrets, tricks, and back-doors that treatment centers executives and marketing professionals must understand. Many addiction treatment marketing professionals are wasting tremendous amounts of time when using social media. Social media, if used correctly can generate targeted and measurable visitors to your website and direct phone calls. This is an excellent way to get out of the short-term solution of a buy rehab leads strategy.

Drug Rehab Marketing is Not Just Social, You Can’t Rely on Drug Rehab Call Centers

First, let’s understand business marketing has specific goals and steps to achieve those goals. The goals of business marketing are to attract, engage, capture and convert. You are not going to attract addiction treatment clients with; “Were Sunshine Addiction, JACHO Accredited, and Have Empty Beds”, or “Check Out Our New Website.”

The two ways to attract your target audience are with the picture, title of the post and a few lines of copy. Remember, you are competing against massive amounts of traffic on Facebook (billions of interactions every day.) All three of these components must attract and engage on an emotional level. Many recovery centers do not understand this strategy due to their buy rehab leads mentality demanding instant results.

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 3 Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links Losing RevenueAddiction treatment center marketing must have engaging content with blog posts (proper search engine optimization, housed on the website with a good call to action) that are relevant. The goal is to touch and engage on an emotional level those that may need help.

Interesting Drug Rehab Marketing Facts on Facebook

Here are some interesting facts about users (2 billion) of Facebook. Remember what you are competing against to get potential addiction treatment clients to click through to your website;

  • 90% of web users ages 18-29 are using Facebook
  • 80% of the US web users ages 30-49 are on Facebook
  • 70% of web users that are college educated and earn more than $75,000 per year are on Facebook

Facebook is the #1 used social media site in the world, that is why we included it in our top 3 drug rehab marketing missing links. Facebook paid marketing works, however, you must completely understand how to use it. Either way, paying someone that doesn’t understand it, or doing it in-house could be costing you marketing dollars. It is paramount that you correctly install and format the Facebook pixel on your website and correctly format it within Facebook.

This is critical for Facebook to capture anyone that was interested in your campaigns. Done correctly, Facebook will be able to re-target them on future campaigns. This way you are maximizing your marketing dollars because you have corralled them for the future. Facebook marketing must be in your Addiction treatment center marketing mix organically, and, or with paid advertising.

Social media marketing is earned over time, so it makes sense to build a target audience (capture) that you own along the way. Many addiction treatment centers severely lack an audience that is their intellectual property. You need large numbers, tens of thousands to produce results. You can check out our 90-day drug rehab SEO and marketing package that instantly taps you into our already built large targeted audience.

Organically growing friends (Facebook), level one connections (LinkedIn), followers (Twitter), growing targeted groups and email marketing are  a must for your addiction treatment center marketing.

Get Educated on Drug Rehab Marketing at Addiction Conferences EMP Series in November 2020

%Drug Rehab SEO Top 3 Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links Losing Revenue

Behavioral Health Network Resources addresses these issues and more at their Executive addiction conferences. Learn proven and ethical business and drug rehab marketing strategies providing long-term solutions. The industry has changed fast and the ones that adopt new business strategies will survive.

We are currently looking for Co-Host and Co-Chair sponsors with our 16th addiction Executive conference. These sponsorship’s come with back-end marketing you can not get anywhere else. Our new and exciting talk show host, town hall forum is a hit across the US. The C-Level conferences attack the current and difficult pain points the CEO and Executive are up against.

There are many changes in laws, regulations, billing, insurance companies and more are causing many centers to close. These addiction conferences cover proven business and marketing strategies. Give Charles Davis a call below and let’s partner in educating on ethical business and marketing strategies.

Examine the Top 3 Drug Rehab Marketing Missing Links in Your Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center

The top 3 drug rehab marketing missing links information in this article only covers a fraction of what is needed. For a successful addiction treatment center marketing plan you must also include drug rehab advertising specialist. There are many mistakes made drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in their marketing. Understanding the vast amount of marketing education is critical for a CEO and Marketing Directors. Give us a call 561-235-6195 and let’s correct some of your web marketing mistakes

The first step is to get away from a buy rehab leads strategy and drug rehab call centers to get control of you’re marketing. Behavioral Health Network Resources continually provides valuable information on some of the things to look for in your rehab marketing. Check out some of our many other articles in our addiction treatment center drug rehab marketing and SEO blog and we encourage you to leave us a comment so we can help you.

Are there items we missed? We’d love to hear your input, leave us a remark below.

addiction treatment marketing Millennials

Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennials

Drug Rehab Marketing Influenced by Millennial Population

Addiction treatment marketing neglects millennial in many ways. There is an understanding gap between millennial’s and addiction treatment marketing organizations in our industry. Millennial’s are changing addiction treatment marketing and behavioral health marketing.  I know, I am one and have been in treatment a couple of times. We are forcing businesses to truly engage and build relationships with us to get into treatment. We are in a scared and confused state and need to be in touch and comfortable with our treatment center decision.

Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennial’s Lifestyle

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennials

I am part of a generation that currently represents the largest potential lifetime value of all the consumer segments. We are not uneducated, lazy, or unwilling, We understand that we need to seek help for our addiction and behavioral health issues. We all know that the national success rates of treatment are at about 10%. The reality is that we need to be in treatment more than once, and treatment centers need to not only attracted and engage us but also stay in front of us after we leave their center. this is one of the areas that addiction treatment marketing neglects millennial.

Understanding How to Use Facebook to Reach a Millennial

After attending a marketing conference in Las Vegas where millennial’s was the hot topic. It dawned on me that there is a huge gap between millennial’s and addiction treatment marketing. That addiction treatment marketing neglects millennials in many ways. This is because they are failing to attract and engage us. We are their largest target market. The addiction treatment industry is being dominated by the largest social medium (Facebook) with patient broker.

This is because they understand how to attract, and engage individuals seeking treatment. Treatment centers need to understand and use more sophisticated marketing that attracts, engages, and brings the viewer to their websites. Facebook has over 2 billion users and the largest audience of millennial’s. Addiction treatment centers must learn how to use this social media in their lead generation strategies. They must learn how to implement strategies when marketing to millennial’s.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennials

Addiction Executive Talk Show Host/Town Hall conferences providing ethical business and marketing strategies. Next conference on 4/30/19 in Riviera Beach, FL

Millennials are the largest audience of potential users of drug and alcohol addiction treatment.  A millennial is anyone born between 1980 and 2005; there are over 80 million. We are ethnically diverse, mainly college graduates, and know/dominate the internet. The internet, cell phones, and social media are our BFF’s where we spend most of our time. Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, and yes even LinkedIn are some of our favorites The internet, cell phones, and social media are our BFF’s. There must be an awareness, that this is the largest segment of potential clients, to get rid of the separation between millennial’s and addiction treatment marketing. Want to learn more about social media marketing?

Lack of Engagement is How Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects Millennial’s

When trying to figure out why they are not getting through to us, addiction treatment falls short in sustaining a truly dedicated effort to connecting with us. This type of approach involves developing programs from scratch specifically for millennial’s, including content, getting us to engage and building a trust relationship. We spend most of our time on mobile devices and want to be engaged. Social media marketing and getting on page one of Google with drug rehab SEO is critical.

Addiction Treatment Marketing Mistakes to Millennial’s

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects MillennialsFrom a marketing professional perspective, it really is the basics.  Offering potential client/service engagement using our language, in an honest and true story we can relate to, not clinical jargon. We understand what we are experiencing with our drug and alcohol issues and attacking us from a clinical perceptive does not work effectively. Please stop with the, we are Sunshine Rehab, were JACHO accredited, and we have open beds. This type of marketing is useless and embarrassing to your center. Try hitting us up with content that relates to our lives, and what we are experiencing.

Marketing with Lack of Attracting and Engaging Content With Drug Rehab Marketing

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects MillennialsThe bottom-line is millennial’s are going to use our “inner circle” to find out about treatment. We are looking for social mediums that are not polished and professional.  We are thirsting for, interesting, real-life experiences similar to ours that opens us up, and email contact that touches us a makes us want to engage.  We prefer to see content that relates to us, not clinical crap, and not what a cookie cutter drug rehab marketing agency thinks we want.

One of the biggest problems is many treatment centers and sales/service organizations want an instant return. They are used to getting instant results with PPC. Social media is only a part of your marketing mix, and the audience is earned over time. It requires your most important web marketing tool which is your blog. This requires content that is attracting and engaging to the reader. The landscape of social media has changed due to complex algorithms.

Include Getting In-front of Millennial’s Key with a Drug Rehab Marketing Plan

The days of just posting and seeing results are gone for addiction treatment marketing. You either have to pay Facebook or LinkedIn for ads or build your own audiences within these mediums. Our 90-day social media marketing package not only taps you instantly into our audience but also grows an audience that is your intellectual property after our 90-day social media marketing program.

Examine your marketing model and take the time to engage with millennial’s; we are the most powerful buying group in the nation. If you don’t get in front of us and engages us chances are you will not be seeing us in your center.

The article was written by Millennial and drug rehab marketing and SEO consultant Madison Richards.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Marketing Neglects MillennialsIf you are interested in tapping into our captured audience of 30,000 addiction and behavioral health level one connections on LinkedIn, our 14 LinkedIn addiction groups with 50,000 members, our 15,000 addiction-related Facebook friends, our 40 Facebook addiction groups with over 150,000 members, our 12,000 addiction twitter followers, and our professional email list of over 40,000 addiction professionals contact Charles Davis at 561-235-6195, or info@behavioralhealthnetworkresources.com.

Click the above pic to see 60 of the webs best addiction groups with over 200,000 members, or click the highlighted links below to join a couple of the most popular Facebook groups.

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