Tag Archives: LinkedIn Addiction Professional

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Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One’s

Treatment Center Marketing Strategies Use LinkedIn for Drug Rehab Marketing

Treatment center marketing strategies can be extremely valuable. With the Coronavirus shutdown it’s more valuable than ever. However, many don’t know how to maximize it and not waste time. As a CEO, Executive, or Director now is the time to get these valuable tools to your staff.

LinkedIn is the most untapped avenue in the addiction treatment industry. It has over 650 million professionals and many tell me that they don’t know how to use it for any drug rehab marketing strategies. I have studied this social medium in depth because there is a tremendous amount of value for any addiction-related business.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sIt is paramount to know all the SECRETS, tricks, and back-doors to growing your professional audience and how to maximize LinkedIn for referral, sales, and branding. I have learned LinkedIn so well, that I started my own company in 2014, Behavioral Health Network Resources solely based on my LinkedIn addiction professional audience targeting the addiction industry.

How to Use LinkedIn for Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO Strategies

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One's

Drug rehab marketing and SEO strategies must be used on LinkedIn. Not only for traffic on LinkedIn but also on Google. This is more so than ever with the March 2020 Google update. Google is now giving SEO credit for no follow links. LinkedIn has one of the highest authority rantings. The addiction treatment industry can’t afford to ignore LinkedIn anymore. It’s too valuable for potential referrals, potential clients, and search engine optimization.

Imagine having your profile to show up on page one of Google for drug rehabs (followed by your city.)  This is the ultimate power of LinkedIn, and we explain more below. We are the only drug rehab marketing agency that has this SEO in our marketing package.

Let’s first look at LinkedIn. LinkedIn has an internal ranking system that I am sure many have seen “You are ranked in the top 1%”. I can make someone that has 100, 300, or 500 level one contacts rank in the one percent. This algorithm takes into account a rush of profile views and is not an indication of your utilization of LinkedIn.  CLICK HERE to see your true performance on LinkedIn and compare it to my score of 90. Many addiction treatment center marketing strategies over-look this valuable tool.

LinkedIn Questions to include in Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sThe first thing I ask is “How many level one contacts do you have?” The answer is usually around 500. Then I ask “How many groups do you belong to?” The answer is usually under 10. The last questions I ask is “How many people are following you?” The answer usually is I don’t know. I ask several other questions like; “Are you doing Pulse Posts?,” Are you sending them to your organization’s website?” and many more.

The most important thing I’ve learned as an Advertising Executive for the two largest papers in South Florida was that I wasn’t selling ads, editorials, web ads, inserts, and flyers. I was selling a large audience. I tell them for LinkedIn to be effective you need to have a big audience. You need to reach mass numbers of professionals that can assist in growing your business.

Addiction Treatment Marketing and SEO Be More Efficient

Addiction treatment marketing does not respect LinkedIn. However, this is the #1 professional networking website in the world. You cannot go anywhere else and reach a higher number of potential professional referral sources. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional meeting place and the most underutilized medium with addiction treatment marketing strategies. If you’re not putting in the time to utilize it you’re missing out. There are many tricks and shortcuts to utilizing LinkedIn which I will feature in future posts.

Ask yourself “How much is my time worth?… $100/hr, $200/hr, $500/hr. If your spending 5 hours a week on LinkedIn, that’s 20 hours a month, …240 hours a year! If you do not understand how to maximize your time, and get a return, your just wasting time and money. If you’re interested in learning all the secrets, tricks, and back doors of LinkedIn, or want to inquire about our 90-day social media marketing package feel free to contact me at 561-235-6195, or info@behavioralhealthnetworkresources.com.

LinkedIn’s Power for Treatment Center Marketing

Sure, you can post on the main board, but are you reaching your contacts and the most connected in your field? For LinkedIn to be effective on a mass scale you need at least 5,000 targeted level one connections. You must consider this in your addiction treatment marketing strategies. LinkedIn offers many marketing resources for all industries.

If you have 500 level one LinkedIn addiction professional contacts, you can send a message directly to their board. Posting an article doesn’t mean they saw it. Everyone’s main board is always moving. Every time a connection posts something it gets added to the top of their level one connections board.  Hint, re-share your article 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night). Don’t have 5,000 level one connections?  You better be utilizing LinkedIn groups.

Addiction Outreach Needs to Join and Use Groups

You are getting the idea now that you need to reach a large number of targeted connections to get any exposure. If you have 5,000 addiction professional level one contacts (there are tricks in growing your level one contacts-more on that in future posts) the chances are much better than only having 500. Get the picture.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sIf you belong to 10 groups (LinkedIn allows you to belong to 100’s) and post in all 10 groups, you could reach 10,000+ depending on the number of members the groups contain. Now, if you belong to 50 groups you get five times more exposure. There are ways of posting in all 25 groups or more at the same time which takes less than 30 seconds. I will let you in on that secret next time.

Now, look at the followers you have. This can be found at the top your profile page, in the box underneath the top box that has your name on it. You can’t control or solicit for followers. People will follow you if they are interested in what you are doing on LinkedIn. I have over 24.000 addiction professional and behavioral health followers. These followers see my activity.

Social Media Marketing Audience

Social media drug rehab marketing marketing must be included in every treatment centers marketing mix. However, as a CEO you must realize that this takes time. You can’t gain access to this powerful tool overnight. It takes proper SEO on their blog posts and a distribution channel that they own. There are only a few options to tap into an existing large audience, and grow an audience of their own.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One's

I switched fields in 2014 and have since grown my LinkedIn network to the following;

  • 20,000 Addiction Professional Level One Connections on LinkedIn
  • 24,000 Addiction and Behavioral Health Followers
  • Own 14 LinkedIn Addiction and Behavioral Health Professional Groups with over 50,000 members (Addiction Professional Referral Group has over 14,000 members)
  • Have 12,000 Facebook Addiction-Related Friends
  • Own 40 Facebook Addiction and Behavioral Health Groups with over 150,000 members
  • Active Addiction Professional Email List of 25,000
  • Have 2,300 Addiction related to Twitter Followers

Addiction Treatment Marketing Strategies Require a Large Audience

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sThis is one of the largest professional audiences in the addiction professional field. I started Behavioral Health Network Resources and EMP Series C-suite addiction conferences with LinkedIn being the foundation of my company. Since February 2014, I have branched off into many areas for treatment centers, detox’s, and sales/service organizations. The biggest impact has been with drug rehab SEO services. This is the key for small to medium centers to survive the competition. All of this has only been possible because individuals see by my activity that I am a leader in the treatment center marketing arena for addiction professionals.

The Ultimate Hidden Power of Linked for Drug Rehab Marketing

Many do not understand the ultimate power of a LinkedIn profile. We already know LinkedIn has 550 million professionals on it. Consider this, Google has over 2 billion users every month. Getting a LinkedIn profile on page one of Google for addiction terms is the ultimate in drug rehab SEO. There is no other drug rehab marketing agency that has achieved this. Imagine if you ranked for money key search terms for addiction treatment.;

  • California drug rehabs (we are on page one)
  • opiate detox West Palm Beach (we are on page one)
  • drug rehabs West Palm Beach (we are on page one)
  • impatient drug rehabs San Diego
  • opiate detox San Diego
  • inpatient drug rehabs Escondido
  • alcohol detox San Diego
  • outpatient drug rehabs Van Nuys (our client has top organic slots with LinkedIn and Facebook business profiles)
  • drug rehabs Los Angeles (our client is on page one and in maps)
  • drug rehab SEO (3 top 10 listings on page one)
  • drug rehabs San Diego (our client is on page one)
  • drug rehabs New Jersey (our client is in maps and on page one)
  • drug rehab marketing agency (3 top 10 listings on page one)
  • drug rehab marketing (3 top 10 listings with my personal profile shows up on page one)
  • drug rehab SEO
  • drug rehab marketing consultants
  • drug rehab consultants

Not only is the traffic astronomically higher on Google, but think about the authority this has. Having your LinkedIn business or personal profile show-up one page one of Google gains instant trust. Combine page one rankings with your treatment centers URL and Maps and you are guaranteed a click through. Our drug rehab SEO has taken clients like SOBA College recovery from 750 keywords ranking on google to a whopping 4,000 in a 5 month period. Ask about our 90-day drug rehab SEO marketing and social media package.

Addiction Conferences Series on Social Media Tools for Outreach

All addiction treatment centers, sober livings, and sales and service organizations should have a large drug rehab marketing on social media. Bare in mind that posts should be high quality going to an in-depth blog article that is attracting, engaging, and touches an emotional level. Many outreach professionals do a poor job and distribute poor content. If you take the time to build a large targeted audience, make sure the content is worth reading to your target audience.

The problem is it takes time to build a targeted audience. Many organizations in our industry use short-term solutions to their long-term problem of generating clients. They are resorting to Google Ad Words and boots on the ground. This boots on the ground strategy are only exchanging the same referrals back and forth. They are only so many referrals that any center has at any given time.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One's

The big payoff is having a large targeted audience you own and being able to get your message to them. This should include private clinicians, EAP’s, attorneys, hospitals, etc.. LinkedIn is where they are. Want to learn how to gain access to these untapped referral sources? You can learn more at our addiction conferences Series. “Get Linked for Addiction Professional on 5/20/20. We will cover how outreach can utilize LinkedIn to gain new referral sources, drug rehab marketing, and utilizing LinkedIn for SEO.

Treatment Center Marketing Strategies What Can LinkedIn Do?

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sWe provide Addiction conferences (read the over 30 testimonials from one of our SOLD out events like the Addiction VIP Symposium). We also provide our 90-day drug rehab SEO and social media addiction treatment marketing packages tapping your organization into our large audience. This program also grows an audience for you and will set-up referral relationships that are extremely valuable to treatment center marketing professionals,

LinkedIn addiction professional profile package, connecting private clinicians, EAP’s, Interventionists, LMHC’s, attorneys, detox centers, and all addiction-related businesses. I have several treatment centers that have contacted me as a marketing consultant. BHNR has done marketing for;

  • Recovery Bay
  • SOBA College Recovery
  • Sober District
  • Emerald Neuro Recovery
  • Harmony Grove Recovery
  • Challenges Treatment Center
  • Sigmund Software
  • Edna’s Sober House
  • helped high-level addiction professionals find employment

Utilize These Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Strategies on LinkedIn

Addiction treatment center marketing strategies are greatly needed for drug rehabs, sales and service organizations, and professionals. Use this informative article or give us a call at 561-235-6195 about our LinkedIn drug rehab marketing training, LinkedIn profile management and our treatment center 90-day SEO and social media package including LinkedIn and Facebook. We present nationally “Get Linked for Addiction Professionals,” and have held 16 addiction conferences.

We can tell within 60 seconds of looking at a profile if an individual is utilizing LinkedIn or just wasting their time. With the current landscape of the behavioral health industry this a is must for all treatment center marketing strategies and addiction treatment centers overall.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One'sJoin Addiction Professional Referral Group, our most popular LinkedIn group with 13,000 addiction professionals and get connected with many drug rehab marketing professionals. They are trying to assist clients when they cannot provide the needed services. This group provides the latest addiction and behavioral health information in the industry. It also lists addiction and behavioral jobs from companies that are hiring. You will also get the latest information on addiction conferences and networking events. Some of the other information includes accreditation Information, treatment centers and Detox’s that are for sale, and buyers that are interested in purchasing addiction treatment centers, and much more…

If you are in the addiction treatment industry become part of my Addiction Professional Network of 24,000 level one connections on LinkedIn by clicking here and  learn about drug rehab marketing.

%Drug Rehab SEO Treatment Center Marketing Strategies LinkedIn Level One's

60 of the Webs Best Addiction and Behavioral Health Groups to Join with over 210,000 Members

Charles Davis LinkedIn Top Contributor