Tag Archives: drug and alcohol treatment center marketing

A list of drug rehab SEO citations for addiction treatment centers.

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO’s

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations What Are They?

Drug rehab marketing citations are the main factor in ranking in Google Maps. These critical backlinks are focused on the name, address and phone (NAP) of the addiction treatment center. In fact, we understand these so well, that we now offer a drug rehab marketing maps ranking program. We can get your substance abuse rehabilitation center ranked on the top 3 in Google Maps for key search terms in 30-60 days.. This is critical since there are over 40,000 searches on Google every second. Ranking in Google Maps always generates qualified calls, and a drastic increase in admissions. You can call Charles Davis at 561-235-6195 to get the affordable pricing.

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sNAP stands for name, address, and phone number. This is the basic info businesses provide on their online platforms to make it easy for clients to find them. Additional information that is important to have on your site includes hours of operation, the physical location of your business, type of business, and social profiles aligned to your business.

Every time NAP data is recorded on a site, it is referred to as NAP citation. NAP citations are crucial in making your business visible both online and offline. They also help users to understand what your business is about, what services you offer and how to reach you. If NAP citation is not properly done, however, they can send mixed signals to core search engines such as Google and data generators, leaving those who visit your site more confused about you and your business.

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Ranking on Page One of Google is Paramount

Drug rehab marketing has become a difficult task for generating leads. You probably clicked on this article to find out what new trouble is going on with addiction treatment centers owners. If you don’t know what a citation is and how it can generate treatment calls you are in the correct place.

Citations are the foundation that enable you to rank on page one of Google. Google critically checks these for several reasons. It wants to know you are a legit business therefore you must register on highly rated listing websites. Google also wants to prevent spam in the maps section. Many rehabilitation centers have done a poor job with citations.

There is a considerable increase in the number of Addiction Treatment Centers countrywide and new marketing laws. If you’re solely relying on boots on the ground your center is a great risk on many levels. This also means to attract more clients to your center; you must find a way to rise above the competition.

Your advertising and marketing strategies must be exceptional both on and offline. Every successful business today has an online presence. Let’s look at how you can improve your online marketing strategy.

99% of Drug Rehab Marketing Doesn’t Rank on Google

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sOld drug rehab marketing strategies die hard. Rehab Owners have always relied on PPC as their main strategy. In 2019 that strategy is no longer as effective. The benefits of organically ranking on page one of Google for key terms greatly outweighs PCC. Since 99% of your competition is not there, this is the best way to compete against the big players and the aggregates. Consider this, Google AdWords, or PPC only generate 2% of page one clicks. Google Maps and the first three organic slots get about 60% of the clicks. The best part is you do not have to pay for the click over and over again.

Try and Google “drug rehabs” followed by your city. Then Google “drug rehabs” followed by your state. In an example, drug rehabs Los Angeles, and Los Angeles drug rehabs California drug rehabs. You can see who is paying for the clicks and who ranks in maps and the first three slots organically. You want to rank on page one for all your key services like;

  • Drug rehabs
  • Inpatient drug rehabs
  • Outpatient drug rehabs
  • Opiate detox
  • Alcohol detox
  • Sober homes

Call Charles Davis at 561-235-6195 to get information on the lowest cost per acquisition method by ranking in Google maps for key terms in 30-60 days!. This program can also be packaged with our social media marketing package. In our social media advertising package you instantly get tapped into out captured addiction and behavioral health social media audience of over 200.000!

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Help Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Drug rehab marketing citations and SEO go hand in hand. SEO is a process used to improve a website’s rank in Google’s search results. For every addiction treatment center to successfully create marketing campaigns, they must follow certain steps in search engine optimization. What are the top 3 things to do for SEO with drug rehab marketing?

  1. Start by doing keyword research. This is the first step in optimizing your website. To do this, use platforms such as Google Keyword Planner which will help you explore the various keywords others in your industry use. Having knowledge of these keywords is imperative because it helps you develop a marketing strategy in the same language your audience uses to communicate. So when potential clients are looking for an Addiction Treatment Center, they will most likely search using the same wording thus making it easier for them to find your site.
  2. Once you identify your keywords, use them in various pages of your site, ensuring you have one primary keyword for each of your pages. This helps in ranking your site’s individual pages each time someone uses a unique keyword to your nice. It helps you grab the user’s attention before they can move on to your competitors’ sites.
  3. Over and above using the right keywords, SEO also involves instinctive site design. This means ensuring your images are adequately compressed, videos embedded, and that your site has efficient HTML coding. When all these elements are put together, your site will have a greater presence that attracting new clients to your Addiction Treatment Center.

Capitalizing on Back-links Increases SEO with Drug Rehab Marketing Citations

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sThe key to drug rehab marketing on the web is back-links. This was a lesson learned by Florida drug rehabs West Palm Beach. The new marketing laws originated in the Sunshine State. Once these new laws started many ethical operators found themselves struggling. Back-links also known as external or inbound links are those that point from other sites back to yours. When back-links are used properly, they help search engines decide how popular and authoritative your site is, as well as its relative significance on the web.

Back-links ultimately help make your site popular. In Google’s algorithm for Page Ranking, every time a hyperlink occurs in a web page, it is taken as a vote of confidence for that particular page’s websites recommend other sites with quality content to their audiences. This is why drug rehab marketing citations are important. For instance, a pharmaceutical site is likely to an Addiction Treatment Center. A website about fishing licenses is likely to link to a site about fishing and so on and so forth. So, the more other sites back-link to yours, the higher your SEO ranking.

Building SEO Back-links Requires a Good Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Agency

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sA good drug rehab marketing agency will know to build industry back-links. Back-links are not just about making your site popular. They are a key component of drug rehab marketing. Your site will not just get a good Page Rank because of the number of times other sites have linked to yours. The system also factors in trust, authority, and relevance of your site and content.

In fact, some back-links can work against your ranking. If your back-links seem unnatural, Google will penalize you thus pushing your site further down in the Page Rank system. For instance, if your Addiction Treatment Center is back-linked to a Hunters Club website, this would be an example of unnatural back-links.

The basic guideline for using back-links is:

  • Good back-links are derived from authority websites in your industry. These are non-spam-my websites with content that is similar to that on your site. They are from experts who write about topics similar to yours. However, you can get creative and use drug rehab marketing on websites for cities and towns..
  • Bad links are those that are derived from websites that have no relationship to yours. For example, an insurance brokerage site back-linking to a dog training site. Search unnatural links only harm your ranking.
  • Ugly back-links are those that come from spam sites, link farms, sell links and sites with poor quality content.

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Relationship to SEO

Poor drug rehab marketing citations equal bad drug rehab marketing which translates to SEO ranking. This is one of the lessons that need to be learned from “Drug Rehab Marketing SEO Vs. Digital Darwinism.” It’s a crucial lesson because search engines also rely on understanding your business when ranking.

So how can you build citations for your Addiction Treatment Center? Marketing for an Addiction Treatment Center differs from marketing for any other business. It’s critical to use the correct citations for this unique industry. Search engines such as Google already know a whole lot about your business.

However, it still needs to use aggregated data to make decisions on what is displayed in search results. For instance, if a user types ‘find a drug rehab close to San Diego, California, Google can decide to use a local citation of your Addiction Treatment Center in Indiana in displaying the search results.

California Drug Rehabs Need SEO

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO's

California drug rehabs are struggling from new patient brokering laws and Legit Script certification. To be eligible for Google AdWords, and PPC on Facebook you need Legit Script certification. This is making it difficult for many addiction treatment centers across the US.

This is also true for the best drug rehabs San Diego rehabilitation centers. They have little understanding in search engine optimization. They are uneducated on the over 200 ranking factors that Google spiders are looking for to rank pages.

Getting on the first page of Google is a difficult task even for the best drug rehab marketing and SEO specialists. This process takes time. Rehabilitation centers can expect to wait for about 90-days to be making an impact on the SERPs. However, the payoff is that the first 3 organic rankings on page one of Google get bout 60% of the clicks.

Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Are Not a Guarantee of Page One Rankings with SEO

Drug rehab marketing citations is not a guarantee that your business will appear in the search results but it’s very useful for location-specific searches. Google always takes into consideration local citations when presenting search results. That is why your NAP citations should be as specific as possible. While citations are the foundation of SEO, there are many other things that must be done.

Here is where the biggest problem for drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers lie. There is so much to be done however this comes at a cost. Many CEO and Marketing Directors do not have a large enough drug rehab marketing budget. They are too used to using pay per click which is not as effective in 2020. Drug rehab SEO takes time, money, and dedication to work. It takes approximately 3-4 months to start ranking for popular long-tail keywords. This only happens when many things are done correctly.

For Addiction Treatment Centers, citation building and local marketing yield best results. When business owners work with industry experts who understand the relevance of vertical directories. Working with a professional will help guarantee visibility and the highest reach for your Addiction Treatment Center, within the addiction treatment industry.

California CEO’s Get Proven Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO Training

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO's

Drug rehab marketing citations play a critical role in ranking in Google Maps. CEO’s must first understand that ranking organically on page one for key terms is paramount to generating clients. A few understand that ranking organically can generate 1000’s of calls without repeatedly paying for the click. Behavioral Health Network Resources holds three addiction conferences every year on drug rehab marketing. check out our next event providing drug rehab SEO solutions and outreach tools for referral sources. This and many more addiction conferences are offered by Behavioral Health Network Resources every year. In fact, in 2022 they are going to be starting holding these events every three months. These should be attended by all addiction treatment centers.

These much needed c-suite executive events provide immediate solutions to Owners long-term problem of generating clients and outreach tools. This event covers;

  • How to ethically fill beds?
  • What is the AdWords, Legit Script controversy?
  • Teach what to do for SEO
  • How Google AdWords and Legit Script are wasting marketing dollars?
  • Why 99% of rehab websites have SEO holes on their websites repeatedly wasting $10,000’s of dollars?
  • How to properly use press releases to generate leads?

Learning Drug Rehab Marketing Citations and SEO Strategies

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Citations Hurt CEO'sDrug rehab marketing citations  are a difficult task. A complete understanding of SEO, back-links, and citations is critical. The main area of drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers need to focus on is search engine optimization. Relying on Google AdWords, PPC and Legit Script certification is no longer effective. An even less expensive way is to rank in Google Maps. We can get you ranked in 30-60 days for major addiction treatment search words.

BHNR offers several key drug rehab marketing packages. These all will compete against the big players spending big money. A “boots on the ground” strategy is one sided and must be accompanied by a web advertising plan. Behavioral Health Network Resources drug rehab marketing agency provides the following.

  • drug rehab SEO 90-day program
  • social media advertising package instantly tapping into a captured audience of over 200,000
  • Google Maps marketing package that gets your center ranked on pn the top 3 of maps for key search term in 30-60 days

With the lead generators and large treatment centers spending over $500,000 per month the smaller centers are wasting advertising dollars. The small centers need to play smarter. They need to incorporate SEO in their drug rehab marketing citations. Reach out to us at 561-235-6195 we can provide a no-obligation drug rehab SEO report and show you how you are wasting advertising dollars.

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation wasted rehab marketing dollars

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation


What is Addiction Treatment Center Lead Generation in 2020?

Addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies in 2020 is a big picture, Owners and Marketing Directors need a vision for long-term solutions. Many treatment centers are short-sighted with their drug rehab leads spend efforts. I’m not the only one that sees this in the addiction treatment and addiction sales/service markets. So much, that they don’t read, or understand their Google Analytics. Also, many do not have call tracking telling them where the call came from (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, organic, paid, etc.). What articles are producing the most calls, and who made the call. You also get their contact information and much more intelligence.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation

Many industry experts are saying that only about 5-10% of all internet traffic is attributable to paid search. While 50-60% is attributable to organic search. Organic searches are results from a search engine that appear because of their relevance to the search terms.

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Drug Rehab Leads Generation Spending Big Dollars

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation

There are big dollars spent on addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies in the Addiction Treatment Industry. It takes a lot to get treatment clients and to get sales/service business. According to Forbes Magazine, 40 BILLION Dollars of revenue are generated from addiction treatment alone. If you are savvy in addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies, you are spending 20% of your revenue on marketing. That means there are over 8 billion dollars being spent on addiction treatment marketing in our industry. Even well-established centers, and especially new centers should have an addiction treatment center consultant guiding, and steering them away from costly mistakes.

Driving Visitors to Your Website in 2020 Equals More Treatment Calls

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation

In 2020, drug rehabilitation centers need to get more visitors to their website. It generally takes about 10-15 treatment calls to generate one client in addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies. The CPA is generally $3,000-$5,000 per client depending on how you break it down. In that process, there are 100’s that have touched upon their center. The days of being happy about getting that one treatment call is gone. You need to repeatedly and continually get them back into your referral sales funnel. Also, focusing on a minimum of 4 social mediums and use keywords when linking (LinkedIn drug rehab marketing, Facebook drug rehab SEO marketing, Twitter drug rehab marketing, and YouTube) is an absolute must. However, they need an established large audience, and solid content to drive traffic (we drive 500-1000 visitors every 7-10 days) organically growing SEO is paramount. Social media is a must for any treatment center, and they need to learn how to build their own electronic assets.

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Drug Rehab Lead Generation Strategies

Many small to medium size players have unsophisticated marketing infrastructure in place. They have an overall lack of knowledge of drug rehab marketing and an understanding of SEO. They have been somewhat successful until now in the AD WORDS sandbox and using drug rehab call centers to generate treatment calls. Google pay per click is not the answer for drug rehabilitation centers.

There are more reliable marketing strategies for substance abuse treatment. Drug rehab SEO marketing will outproduce PPC and the cost per acquisition is much less over time. However, it takes about 90 days to start seeing results. Rehab owners need a long-term plan, with a diverse marketing mix, that gives them something to show for their yearly spend on addiction treatment marketing.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation

With the game being restricted it is difficult to generate qualified leads. The Google restrictions and new drug rehab call centers restrictions are squeezing many substance abuse treatment centers. There marketing has completely stopped with nothing to show for their spend. Placing a solid organic model to their addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies mix would have played better. They would still have a steady drip of conversions, and steady Eddy SEO with an audience they own.

Content Models take time to start producing (6-9 months) and take years to put your organization in their optimum position. It takes an understanding of social media, email marketing, SEO, call tracking, Google analytics and much more. Contact one of our drug rehab marketing consultants or 561-235-6195 to make sure you have something to show for your marketing spend in the future.

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Needs Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO Consultants

Drug Rehab marketing and SEO consultants are critical to survive extreme competition and generate treatment calls. If you are a CEO or an Executive of an addiction recovery treatment center you must have detailed substance abuse marketing plan to generate treatment calls. It is critical that drug rehabilitation center owners have a drug rehab marketing agency, drug rehab marketing consultants and a specialized SEO company performing the marketing.

These drug rehab marketing and SEO consultants will provide a healthy rehabilitation centered marketing mix to generate clients. A marketing mix is constantly changing and being modified to the ongoing changes in the market. If you don’t have one, you better get one because with the changes on the business side of our industry it has become paramount you have one in place.

Drug Rehab Marketing SEO Specialists Getting on Page One

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead GenerationAll treatment centers should own a targeted addiction professional and individuals seeking an addiction treatment marketing audience. Building and owning a social media audience gives a lifetime value to your center that pays dividends year after year. If you haven’t, start building your center’s electric assets. Grow a targeted audience that is yours to keep. We are an addiction treatment center marketing and consulting firm.

Our team, with over 30 years combined industry experience can increase calls, traffic, and revenue. Our 90-day marketing program teaches drug rehab SEO and instantly plugs you into our direct and targeted audience on Facebook (100,000), LinkedIn (75,000), and Twitter (14,000). We run your Facebook and LinkedIn for 90-days distributing your quality content to millions. After the 90-days we teach you all the secrets, tricks, and back-doors on these mediums so you can finally have an audience that you own.