Category Archives: dug rehab SEO


Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies and Struggles for California

California Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies Are Critical

Drug rehab marketing strategies are a difficult task across the United States for addiction treatment center owners. Many are running to get Legit Script certification and putting on boxing gloves for Google Ad words. They are suffering from drug rehab SEO digital Darwinism. California is experiencing new laws and regulations to control patient brokering. Many are stuck in a rut with outdated marketing strategies. What they don’t understand is there are better ways that produce a lower cost per acquisition. There are 4 ways drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers obtain a lower cost per acquisition;

  1. social media
  2. content marketing
  3. organic SEO
  4. press releases

How To Strategically Build a Referral Network in California?

In 2020 it’s critical for California drug rehabs to build a referral network. They can do this with calculated drug rehab marketing strategies. Most of us have heard the phrase, “You can’t be everything, to everyone,” right? Unfortunately, when it comes to drug addiction and mental health, that statement does not ring true. Everyone knows someone who has been affected by this illness. It could be our own families, friends, co-workers; even some of us in our own lives have dealt with this affliction.

Why you are fighting every day in this industry, is probably driven – like ours – derives from one of those connections, and we want you to succeed! There are several proven strategies in the digital media space. This is a crucial step you need to take, to achieve your goals of building your treatment center in today’s world.

What Are the Top 7 Reasons Drug Rehab Marketing SEO Strategies are Needed in California?

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies and Struggles for California

Getting involved with social media is more important in 2020. Utilizing social media for lead generation and generating treatment calls can do two things. It will generate immediate leads and it will also increase SEO and organic page rankings on google. Here are the top 7 reason’s for drug rehab marketing strategies.

  1. Decreased Marketing Costs – The first, and most important reason that businesses use social media, is the fact that is the most cost-effective way to market a business – by far. By keeping marketing costs down, businesses can then use that capital for reinvesting in, or expanding, or whatever they see fit for their business.
  2. Increased Inbound Traffic – Social Media Profiles are valuable for creating an avenue for clients to begin to engage with you. By keeping up your presence with original content, adding other sites links back to your treatment centers website and distributing those linked posts on multiple social media platforms, you open up all those channels for another opportunity for a new visitor or client. The more quality content you release on social media, the more inbound traffic you’ll generate, and the more customers will connect with you.
  3. Connect with Potential Clients – Many people today log into their social media accounts often and the more your information is being promoted the more change they will use your product or service. Did you know 74 percent of Facebook users visit daily?
  4. Build Relationships with Current Clients – By continually posting and monitoring your social media channels, you will be able to promote the different levels of care you offer and treatments, as well as handle any questions or concerns in real time. Unlike print, radio, or television, you will be able to see exactly how your promotion is doing by the amount of engagement, likes, shares, comments, etc.
  5. Higher Brand Authority – By syndicating information about your treatment center, your brand will soon become the authority in your industry, or at least in your local area. For example: by providing information and answers, for those individuals with questions about what recovery options are available in a post, they will often share that information. With your brand prominently placed, it can further your reach and will contribute to the growth of your network.
  6. Better Search Engine Rankings – SEO is vital in 2020 with drug rehab marketing strategies. Google has always stated that they rank a website higher by the content on that site, and how useful a person searching for that info might find that site & content to be. By posting relevant content about addiction treatment, mental health, and new therapy options, the search engines will see you as the authority in that market – thereby, awarding you with higher rankings. This is especially true for local businesses that are actively receiving online reviews, as well.
  7. Social Media is the New Search – For many people today, when they are on their computer or mobile phone and have a need for a particular product or service, they are now as likely to search on their social networks for the answer from their friends and groups, as they once were to use Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. This means that for a large number of individuals, when they need to look for a drug treatment center, they are more likely to look to their online social networks for possible solutions, rather than just using a search engine, such as Google or Bing. And the numbers in this group grow every day.

Successful treatment centers are already marketing this way. You are losing business by not being actively involved with social media. The sooner you begin, the sooner you will see the benefits of building a virtual community, by watching your followers share with their friends and so on. Don’t lose this business opportunity to your competitors, by sitting idle. Imagine if you started a year, or even six months ago, how much new business you would have.

The bottom line is, the longer you wait, the more you have to lose. Social Media is here to stay and only getting bigger. When it is done right, it leads to more traffic and more clientele. 

Content Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies and Struggles for California

So, how does your drug rehab marketing stay consistent on Social Media in relation to your blog in 2020?

The answer is content. Consistent content, meaning you post every day on social media, and as often as you can on your website. When asked whether back-links or content are better, the answer is they are both important implementing both is the ideal strategy. Sadly, many people in the drug treatment industry have been burned before by “SEO” companies. This is because they either don’t understand link building or don’t have the resources to do “white hat” link building. The outcome from this has been a loss of time and revenue for many in this industry.

Content is one of those items you can control, because you are the one placing it on your center’s website, as well as sharing it on Social Media. Actively controlling content is important with drug rehab marketing strategies. You then have the further option to boost that material. This can be done using smart channels organically or by paying Google and Facebook to promote that content for you. that is assuming you have Legit Script certification and are approved to use the paid platform. Will get into why Google Ad Words is costing many small to medium size centers to waste huge chunks of marketing dollars.

How Can California Use a Drug Rehab Marketing Content Strategy?

California drug rehabs like Harmony Grove Recovery are feeling the pressure of new marketing regulations. They need to understand how to use content. Content marketing refers to the management of basically any & all content that you create and own. This could be written, visual, or even a downloadable PDF or E-Book. It is the piece of your marketing strategy that continuously demonstrates who your treatment center is, and should highlight the expertise you offer to your industry.

Surely, you know how important unique content is to the growth of your digital asset. However, when you establish drug rehab marketing strategies, there are some key things you should think about. Among those are:

  • Does your content have SEO for keywords?
  • Who are you creating the content for?
  • What is the question, you are going to answer for that audience?
  • How is your program unique?
  • What content formats will you produce?
  • Which channels will it be released through?
  • How will you manage the creation and publication?

Again, by building great content, the search engines will reward that page with rankings. When content is done right, it will be shared across all the social networks. This is the goal – to create social signals and back-links.

Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies Using SEO How to Beat the Big Boys in California

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies and Struggles for California

How to increase drug rehab SEO strategies? We look at 100’s of addiction treatment center websites every month. Over 90% do not have search engine optimization. Some don’t even have a blog, and the ones that do have glaring issues. Here are some of the biggest mistakes made by substance abuse treatment centers on their blogs;

  • Length of the blog is only 600-800 words
  • The content is just fluff, it is not attracting, engaging, and does not touch an emotional level
  • No H Tags or useless H Tags
  • There are no pics, or pics are missing keyword ALT descriptions
  • The blog post is not focused on a single long tail keyword
  • No SERP descriptions, or too short, or too long
  • Blog posts are not categorized for long tail keywords
  • Orphaned blog posts

Drug rehab SEO blog writing has not been used because centers have traditionally relied upon Google Ad Words and “boots on the ground” strategies. With increased competition, new laws and regulations this is not viable for the small to medium size rehabs. Some of the big centers and treatment call centers are spending in excess of $500,000 per month. They are also paying less for the same keywords than the smaller centers. This is why the smaller centers need better drug rehab marketing strategies.

This leaves the uncomfortable territory of Drug Rehab SEO. We’ve watched many Florida centers fall because they failed to adopt a search engine optimization strategy. The thing is paid ads only get 2% of page one clicks. Google maps and the first three organic listings get 60-70% of page one clicks. You also need to consider the paid ads are generating a lot of Medicaid and Medicare calls.

Press Releases Used Correctly Increase SEO and Back-links

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies and Struggles for California

Press releases are an underutilized tool in drug rehab SEO. Most press release services do not cost a lot of money, and you are able to reach a large number of people. Compared to other paid online advertising, press releases when done properly can be a more financially efficient way of advertising.

We recently sat down with Kevin Leonard, CEO of The Recover an industry leader in drug rehab marketing strategies and press releases. Here is what he had to say;

Consumers are affected by many online channels. Whether its a post to social media, or what’s discovered through a Google search; it will have a considerable influence on how your consumers view your drug treatment center, the recovery business, and your competitors.

The Recover is a health and addiction news resource, which provides non-bias information about health-related topics. As a trusted news source, our stories get picked up by ABC, NBC, CBS, Google News, and many others. Our articles have the ability to reach over 50 million readers through our affiliate network of news outlets. For information about our services please contact our office to discuss a strategy for your treatment center.

They have assisted drug and alcohol treatment centers in boosting online awareness, driving website traffic and reaching brand-new consumers. A press release is one of the best ways for centers to build back-links, increase awareness and is a cost-effective way to impact your treatment center’s growth.

How to Effectively Use Press Releases for Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies

As many substance abuse treatment centers don’t understand drug rehab SEO,. They know even less about effective press releases. Two of the main struggles are what websites are best for distribution, formatting the content, and what type of “stories” are actually newsworthy. Keep in mind legitimate press release services will not allow you to publish general information or self-promotion types of posts.

The Top 28 press Release ideas for Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies

  1. Sponsor a local event and write about it
  2. Take a stand on a controversial issue
  3. Announce a new hire, or someone’s promotion
  4. Talk about a new milestone your center has reached
  5. Share your client’s success stories
  6. Publish a collection of testimonials from satisfied clients
  7. Create a podcast and write about it
  8. Share a free “PowerPoint” about your center’s levels of care available at Slide Share
  9. Announce the release of a new video available on your YouTube channel
  10. Establish a scholarship program for people who do not have the ability to pay
  11. Publish your center’s treatment options with a local charity
  12. Share a free “FAQ” sheet available at your center’s website
  13. Share your treatment center’s mission statement
  14. Publish a story about what makes your center different
  15. Create a list of amenities your center offers
  16. Share a link to a new blog page and describe what it is about
  17. Announce you are offering (MAT) Medication-Assisted Treatment as a part of your recovery approach
  18. Publish a story on why you do not offer Medication-Assisted Treatment
  19. Identify a trend you are noticing within the recovery industry
  20. Debunk a common myth in the treatment business
  21. Create a list of what to bring to rehab
  22. Publish a story about what to expect when someone enters your center for treatment
  23. Tie your press release to a holiday
  24. Answer the most common three questions potential clients would want to know about your center
  25. Mergers and acquisitions
  26. Office relocation or opening a new sober living
  27. New technology trends affecting your industry
  28. Expert opinion about a topic in the recovery business

These are just a small sample of the literally thousands of drug rehab marketing strategies examples you can write about. Making Press Releases a part of your overall digital strategy is a must. When you combine content, with PR, and share it on social media, you have created the ability to reach millions of people nationwide.

The is a Panelist at the California EMP Addiction Conference

%Drug Rehab SEO Drug Rehab Marketing Strategies and Struggles for California

Drug rehab marketing, SEO, web page content quality, social and local signals, and quality back links are just 5 ranking factors of 200 ranking factors that Google uses. The Recover will be sharing press release secrets you can put into place immediately that are low cost and produce admits. If you would like to get started earlier on press release you can call Kevin Leonard at 888-510-3898.

The California Addiction Conferences EMP Series 8/16/19 event will have a total of 5 proven leaders. Each sharing proved business and drug rehab marketing strategies that compete with the big players. These are proven and cost-effective ways to impact your treatment center’s growth.

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation wasted rehab marketing dollars

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation


What is Addiction Treatment Center Lead Generation in 2020?

Addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies in 2020 is a big picture, Owners and Marketing Directors need a vision for long-term solutions. Many treatment centers are short-sighted with their drug rehab leads spend efforts. I’m not the only one that sees this in the addiction treatment and addiction sales/service markets. So much, that they don’t read, or understand their Google Analytics. Also, many do not have call tracking telling them where the call came from (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, organic, paid, etc.). What articles are producing the most calls, and who made the call. You also get their contact information and much more intelligence.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation

Many industry experts are saying that only about 5-10% of all internet traffic is attributable to paid search. While 50-60% is attributable to organic search. Organic searches are results from a search engine that appear because of their relevance to the search terms.

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Drug Rehab Leads Generation Spending Big Dollars

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation

There are big dollars spent on addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies in the Addiction Treatment Industry. It takes a lot to get treatment clients and to get sales/service business. According to Forbes Magazine, 40 BILLION Dollars of revenue are generated from addiction treatment alone. If you are savvy in addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies, you are spending 20% of your revenue on marketing. That means there are over 8 billion dollars being spent on addiction treatment marketing in our industry. Even well-established centers, and especially new centers should have an addiction treatment center consultant guiding, and steering them away from costly mistakes.

Driving Visitors to Your Website in 2020 Equals More Treatment Calls

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation

In 2020, drug rehabilitation centers need to get more visitors to their website. It generally takes about 10-15 treatment calls to generate one client in addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies. The CPA is generally $3,000-$5,000 per client depending on how you break it down. In that process, there are 100’s that have touched upon their center. The days of being happy about getting that one treatment call is gone. You need to repeatedly and continually get them back into your referral sales funnel. Also, focusing on a minimum of 4 social mediums and use keywords when linking (LinkedIn drug rehab marketing, Facebook drug rehab SEO marketing, Twitter drug rehab marketing, and YouTube) is an absolute must. However, they need an established large audience, and solid content to drive traffic (we drive 500-1000 visitors every 7-10 days) organically growing SEO is paramount. Social media is a must for any treatment center, and they need to learn how to build their own electronic assets.

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Drug Rehab Lead Generation Strategies

Many small to medium size players have unsophisticated marketing infrastructure in place. They have an overall lack of knowledge of drug rehab marketing and an understanding of SEO. They have been somewhat successful until now in the AD WORDS sandbox and using drug rehab call centers to generate treatment calls. Google pay per click is not the answer for drug rehabilitation centers.

There are more reliable marketing strategies for substance abuse treatment. Drug rehab SEO marketing will outproduce PPC and the cost per acquisition is much less over time. However, it takes about 90 days to start seeing results. Rehab owners need a long-term plan, with a diverse marketing mix, that gives them something to show for their yearly spend on addiction treatment marketing.

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead Generation

With the game being restricted it is difficult to generate qualified leads. The Google restrictions and new drug rehab call centers restrictions are squeezing many substance abuse treatment centers. There marketing has completely stopped with nothing to show for their spend. Placing a solid organic model to their addiction treatment center marketing lead generation strategies mix would have played better. They would still have a steady drip of conversions, and steady Eddy SEO with an audience they own.

Content Models take time to start producing (6-9 months) and take years to put your organization in their optimum position. It takes an understanding of social media, email marketing, SEO, call tracking, Google analytics and much more. Contact one of our drug rehab marketing consultants or 561-235-6195 to make sure you have something to show for your marketing spend in the future.

Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Needs Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO Consultants

Drug Rehab marketing and SEO consultants are critical to survive extreme competition and generate treatment calls. If you are a CEO or an Executive of an addiction recovery treatment center you must have detailed substance abuse marketing plan to generate treatment calls. It is critical that drug rehabilitation center owners have a drug rehab marketing agency, drug rehab marketing consultants and a specialized SEO company performing the marketing.

These drug rehab marketing and SEO consultants will provide a healthy rehabilitation centered marketing mix to generate clients. A marketing mix is constantly changing and being modified to the ongoing changes in the market. If you don’t have one, you better get one because with the changes on the business side of our industry it has become paramount you have one in place.

Drug Rehab Marketing SEO Specialists Getting on Page One

%Drug Rehab SEO Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Lead GenerationAll treatment centers should own a targeted addiction professional and individuals seeking an addiction treatment marketing audience. Building and owning a social media audience gives a lifetime value to your center that pays dividends year after year. If you haven’t, start building your center’s electric assets. Grow a targeted audience that is yours to keep. We are an addiction treatment center marketing and consulting firm.

Our team, with over 30 years combined industry experience can increase calls, traffic, and revenue. Our 90-day marketing program teaches drug rehab SEO and instantly plugs you into our direct and targeted audience on Facebook (100,000), LinkedIn (75,000), and Twitter (14,000). We run your Facebook and LinkedIn for 90-days distributing your quality content to millions. After the 90-days we teach you all the secrets, tricks, and back-doors on these mediums so you can finally have an audience that you own.