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Drug Rehab SEO Marketing Magic Over Pay Per Click for substance abuse treatment centers

SEO Rehab Marketing Magic Over Pay Per Click

What Are the Benefits of Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO?

Drug rehab marketing and SEO are only a couple of key areas many drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers do not understand. Substance abuse marketing is a complicated process. Finding and utilizing ethical business and marketing strategies is critical to surviving the changes in the behavioral health industry. New laws, regulations and the billing companies playing games are going to cause substance abuse treatment centers to close. The days of having a poor business and drug rehab marketing strategy, generating unprecedented revenue are gone.

What is Drug Rehab Marketing and SEO Used for?

%Drug Rehab SEO SEO Rehab Marketing Magic Over Pay Per ClickDrug rehab marketing and SEO are the most important aspects of generating addiction treatment calls. It requires over 200 different requirements by Google. Drug rehab SEO outperforms all other marketing combined. However, you not only need a robust marketing mix you also need search engine optimization including correctly optimizing every page on your website. This is the starting point where many drug rehabilitation centers fail. We look at many addiction treatment websites every day and 90% of them have poor or no SEO. Not only are the main pages poor, but the blogs are poor at best. This is also true for substance abuse sales and service organizations.

Without proper website page optimization, many of your marketing efforts are ineffective. Google spiders are looking for keywords in Url’s, H Tags, Alt Tags, and SERP descriptions to name a few. Understanding these areas will push your rankings on Google. The current competitive market for substance abuse recovery centers demands proven marketing solutions. Many addiction treatment centers are suffering from Digital Darwinism with their drug rehab SEO.

Why You Need Drug Rehab SEO Marketing Back-links?

%Drug Rehab SEO SEO Rehab Marketing Magic Over Pay Per ClickNo matter what you have heard link building is still the #1 factor in rankings. And, it’s not the number of links, it’s the authority of the site linking in. However, there are other factors that must be put into place. When link building, there are two areas to look at for ranking. First, look at the keywords you’re already ranking on. These should be on pages 2-50 on google. They will be the easiest to work on.

Then write a list of all the keywords you want to rank for. These should be long-tail keywords followed by the city you are located. This is a good starting point for drug rehab SEO. For those of you handling the marketing in the treatment space, you are probably aware of how tough these keywords are to obtain, especially since Google has clamped down the PPC in this business segment.

Google Forces High-Quality Authoritative SEO Rehab Marketing Back-links

All the changes in marketing with Google PPC in the treatment space, and patient brokering laws it is now more important than ever to rank organically on Google. Optimizing Google local listings is where the small to medium players need to focus. When someone searches for a treatment center in your area you must be found, at the very least, in the Google maps 3 pack. Local search is the key for drug rehab SEO to unlock the potential of Google, organically generating calls for your center. If you are not, you should consider hiring a drug rehab marketing consultant.

Get Your Drug Rehab SEO Marketing Back-links Increasing Google Rank

%Drug Rehab SEO SEO Rehab Marketing Magic Over Pay Per ClickIn this day and age, it can be tough to find solid back-links increasing drug rehab SEO for your website.  As Google continues to make changes so should you. However, the problem is that drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers do not know how to get back links. Everyone in the industry thinks they must come from listing sites or other treatment centers. Behavioral Health Network Resources has spent the last two years in our SEO laboratory. We studied  SEO Gods like Neal Patel and Moz. These guys are the worlds best at search engine optimization.

Drug Rehab Marketing and Drug Rehab SEO Success Stories

Behavioral Health Network Resources drug rehab marketing leads by example with their drug rehab SEO. When rehabilitation centers realize how important ranking on page one of Google is they start looking for a marketing company. In this process, they should research which marketing companies are ranking for SEO in our industry. 

If a marketing company is going to provide drug rehab SEO services they must clearly demonstrate their capabilities. This should start with their own company. Try searching the following key terms for marketing is our industry;

  • drug rehab marketing
  • drug rehab SEO
  • drug rehab marketing agency

BHNR took it a step further and wanted to rank for key terms that treatment centers need to rank in. This leading by example action clearly demonstrates our ability as an industry leading drug rehab SEO marketing agency. Some of these critical keywords include;

These are some of the money keywords for substance abuse centers. We do not even provide these services, however, we are on page one of Google organically for these. The new competitive and regulated landscape now requires a true marketing mix and ranking organically for critical keywords on page one is critical. ranking on the first page.

Drug Rehab Marketing and Drug Rehab SEO Thought Leader

Behavioral Health Network Resources helped educate on drug rehab marketing and drug rehab SEO in their past addiction conferences. These addiction conferences boasted 5 Executive panelists. They provided the needed drug rehab marketing and drug rehab SEO tools and education in business and marketing in our industry. The panelists were mentors and provided solutions addiction treatment center owners put into place immediately. They educated on why your center is losing marketing dollars with Legit Script Certification and Google AdWords.

Many California drug rehabs think this is the answer to generating clients with the new patient brokering laws in place. What they don’t know is there are lead generators and centers spending in excess of $500,000 per month in this avenue. They also don’t realize that PPC only accounts for 2% of page one clicks. Learn more about;

  • how to successfully get on page one organically
  • why press releases are being used incorrectly
  • how to generate leads on the web
  • why your blog is not ranking (top 10 drug rehab SEO blog writing mistakes)
  • how to do some SEO in-house
  • Proper Website Development Vs. Drug Rehab SEO Marketing (it’s hurting you more than you know).
  • drug rehab SEO In-house or with your agency. Know what to look for.
  • How to get authoritative, respected high PR back-links to improve drug rehab SEO
  • Why California treatment centers suffer from Digital Darwinism.
  • Tools for outreach addiction professionals.
  • Power networking with C-Level industry professionals.

Drug Rehab SEO and Drug Rehab Marketing Our Clients Rank

%Drug Rehab SEO SEO Rehab Marketing Magic Over Pay Per ClickDrug rehab SEO involves an endless amount of things. Google is looking for a combination of signals and road signs. Many different drug rehab SEO marketing and drug rehab consultants and companies work in different areas. However, the goal is the same, to boost online authority. Getting page one rankings is paramount, however many centers do not know how to perform this crucial action. Here are some of the keywords that we have accomplished for our clients;

Consider this, 99% of addiction treatment centers never get ranked on page one of Google for key search terms! Google gets over 60,000 searches per second. These is no other place you can get the potential reach than the first page of Google. Unlike Google AdWords and PPC once you are ranked you will stay there until another treatment center does more SEO than you, or if Google makes changes on how they rank pages. Make this the year your addiction treatment center ranks on page one for key search terms with drug rehab SEO. Call Charles Davis now at 561-235-6195 to discuss several different options.