How to Use LinkedIn Beyond Addiction Treatment Lead Generation in 2020?
Addiction treatment lead generation can be done on LinkedIn. This is not only true for outreach, but also for SEO in 2020. The search engine optimization component has to be looked at by the Marketing Director and CEO. For outreach there is also a lot of work to be done in the behavioral health field. Consider this, many addiction professional outreach profiles in 2020 are poor at best. This clearly demonstrates they must better understand this valuable business vehicle for networking and addiction treatment marketing. Many need to stop wasting time on LinkedIn and take the time to learn its power. Learning to use this medium and understanding its power is critical when generating drug rehab leads. There are secrets, tricks, and back-doors that need to be completely understood. This platform is becoming paramount in our industry considering the high turnover rate and daily pressures outreach professionals endure.
LinkedIn has over 660 million professionals, it is too big to ignore for addiction treatment lead generation. Many professionals in our industry do not try to use this medium until they are looking for a job. At this point, it is late in the game to get the best value of this professional “networking” site. It takes time to build a targeted audience and become well known in this extremely large community that goes beyond their normal limits within our industry. Addiction professional outreach, in particular, should be using LinkedIn for several key reasons.
Their Next Addiction Treatment Center Employment Search
The average length of employment for addiction professionals in outreach for addiction treatment marketing is 6-12 months. Behavioral Health Network Resources knows this because many contact us in panic mode looking to gain access to our resources to find a new job. This first thing we look at is their employment history.
The blame here is not entirely on the short-term lengths of employment by the individuals, but also on the treatment centers. They do not provide the needed addiction treatment lead generation tools. There is no training for their marketing staff. Wherever the blame is, it doesn’t change the fact that these professionals need to find another position to support themselves and their families.
Becoming a Known Drug Rehab Marketing Professional
LinkedIn is one of the best ways of being known as an ethical drug rehab marketing professional. When you regularly use LinkedIn you also organically build an audience. We teach this addiction treatment lead generation strategies to all of our clients. This should be a strategic plan to connect and get to know different segments of people that may help you in the future. For outreach professionals, these segments include CEO’s, Executive Directors, Marketing Directors, and other outreach professionals. It should also include anyone that fits into their future employment plans. Waiting until you need an addiction professional outreach or drug rehab marketing job is not the time to start doing this. You need to already have the decision makers as level one connections. This is critical because if they are connected to you they don’t know you exist. You have utilized LinkedIn with pulse posts, groups, remarks, and likes thus they should already know about you. This provides you with a warm lead source when job hunting.
LinkedIn should be a part of every treatment centers addiction treatment lead generation marketing plan, not just addiction professional outreach. It is an excellent place to brand your organization. All but a few organizations understand the value and power of LinkedIn for branding and building new referral sources. Many treatment centers, detox’s, sober living facilities and sales/service organizations do not have this in their marketing strategy. LinkedIn can do several things for these organizations if they not only start using it but also get their staff to use it.
LinkedIn can provide massive exposure to the brand, drive visitors to their website and increase organic SEO. A treatment center, detox, sober living, or sales/service organization with savvy marketing will be able to track visitors from LinkedIn through their Google Analytics and Call Tracking Metrics. If your organization does not have these two vital components they do not understand marketing very well,
Addiction Treatment Lead Generation Must Be Careful
Rehab centers must be careful with their addiction treatment lead generation strategy. Everything that is posted about the rehabilitation center is a reflection of the overall brand. if you are branding your organization, you are also branding yourself. It’s in your best interest to utilize the content your organization has and push it out strategically on LinkedIn. It should also be noted that you must be careful about what you are posting.
This is a reflection of the organization, you must consider the content of the posts. Posts that have no value to the reader, do not attract and engage your targeted audience are a direct reflection of you. On LinkedIn, you want to keep it extremely professional. On Facebook you can be a little more relaxed, however, you still must attract, engage and bring value to the reader.
With the new patient brokering laws spreading across the nation many are concerned with patient brokering. Dealing with addiction treatment patient brokers can result in legal issues, jail time and fines. Many centers need to establish new and ethical relationships. LinkedIn is one of the best resources for addiction professionals.
Understanding LinkedIn for Marketing, Branding, SEO, and Networking
Learn and understand the powerful addiction treatment lead generation attributes that produce specific results in order to stop wasting time on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is like going to addiction and behavioral health conference and there are 20 million addiction and behavioral health professionals there to meet. Being there is not enough, you need to attract them, make them go to your website and engage with them to get results in your addiction professional outreach efforts. You also want your organization to provide links on their blog to your profile. This benefits them by obtaining a good back-link and benefits you by getting new page views and possible connections. Your organization’s blog should be posting new content and engaging visitors.
Addiction Treatment Lead generation for Professional Networking
Behavioral Health Network Resources was started with addiction treatment lead generation as the main goal. We have extensively studied and mastered many secrets, tricks and back doors on LinkedIn. We have built up over;
- 30,000 LinkedIn addiction and behavioral health level one connections,
- 35,000 addiction and behavioral health followers
- own 12 addiction and behavioral health groups with over 50,000 members.
- 40 groups on Facebook with 150,000 members
Addiction Professional Referral Group (15,000 members) being our most active group. We have built these resources to benefit addiction and behavioral health professionals in their difficult job and in an effort to gain the support of our conferences educating on ethical business and marketing practices.
LinkedIn Stop Wasting Time – You Need an Addiction Treatment Lead Generation Strategy
Putting an addiction treatment lead generation strategy for LinkedIn in place takes a little time. However, you can save 1000’s of hours and increase productivity 1000%. Behavioral Health Network Resources has a total social media footprint in the millions. We are on LinkedIn 2-3 hrs/day (unless we are putting on our addiction conferences) Facebook 4-6 Hrs/day, and Twitter (15 min/day.)
The reason we have dedicated our time to these social media’s is due to the lack of in-depth participation from addiction treatment centers and detox facilities. The rules on getting the distribution of posts on social media are changing. Facebook is limiting posts from business pages. One of the best ways to get your posts viewed is through groups and personal profiles. Every post is either placed on a group members personal page, or placed in their notifications. If organizations in the addiction treatment industry do not start building a targeted audience through groups, they will continuously have to pay to play. As an outreach professional for an organization in our industry, if you build a targeted group, you provide a valuable asset not only to yourself but also the treatment center you are working for currently.
Many addiction professionals on LinkedIn are wasting their time by not knowing how to get more reach. This is combined with incorrect postings, poor branding, lack of understanding that marketing has several distinct purposes and no activity at all. Millennial’s have changed drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing. You now need content and a social media footprint. A post can potentially reach 100,000’s targeted individuals.
LinkedIn for Addiction Treatment Lead Generation Ideas
The most underutilized addiction treatment lead generation strategy is LinkedIn. As of March 2020 LinkedIn gives SEO ranking juice. Google’s update states that no follow links are now figured in for search engine optimization juice. The means LinkedIn can be used for SEO, referrals and to get high end potential clients. While this medium seems simple on the face, it’s quite complex. When using LinkedIn you specifically need to demonstrate value to your target audience. It’s not about you, it’s about helping them. Of course you need to educate on the products or services without being cold or hard-edged. This is all part of drug rehab lead generation on social media. They need to brand themselves as a leader. By correctly using LinkedIn they will also produce traffic to addiction treatment centers website. You see, using this medium also increases organic SEO. In return, ranking on page one will get potential clients to call. Simply by trying to establish new relationships on LinkedIn, you also do more for the big picture. This all will bear fruit and most importantly attract and engage their target audience.
Outreach professionals for centers or sales/service organizations can use this extremely valuable medium in connecting with referral sources, networking, branding, generating traffic and used in conjunction with other pieces of their marketing mix.
Last week, I noticed one respected addiction executive professional wasting his time trying to market his center on LinkedIn. This was an excellent opportunity to pitch our ‘Get Linked for Addiction Professionals” training. So, I personally called him. I said, “I noticed you’re a little active on LinkedIn. How is that working for you?.”
He said, “Wow, you’re a real person, I thought your profile was a machine. To be honest, I have received very little results. I’m trying to bring awareness to potential referral sources on our new medication-assisted therapy service. Can you tell me how I can do this better on LinkedIn.”
I asked him, “How much time do you spend on LinkedIn?”. He said about “30 minutes a day.” I then asked him, “What results have you gotten from it?” He said, “nothing.”
I told him that I already figured that out by looking at your profile and poor activity. I had him pull up his summary of Pulse posts (one of the best indicators on post views inside LinkedIn,) and showed him he was only getting between 10 and 50 views per post. Many are not even doing pulse posts. To put that into perspective our Pulse posts get 300-10,000 views.
I said, “That is the reason for my call. I have been noticing your activity, what and how you are doing it, and couldn’t stand to watch you waste so much time.” I then asked him, “How much is your time worth?” He said, “About $300/hr-$500/hr.”
Addiction Professional Outreach Learn How to Use LinkedIn
I told him, “What if I could save you 1000’s of hours a year on your marketing efforts on LinkedIn, drastically extend the reach of your posts, by giving you two hours of training showing you many of the secrets, tricks and back doors of LinkedIn, how to utilize your LinkedIn contacts inside and outside of LinkedIn and get you 1,000 new targeted level one connections?” He said, “Oh, here’s the pitch that’s going to cost me $1,000’s of dollars.”
I told him, there are so many wasted marketing dollars in addiction treatment marketing including time wasted on LinkedIn. This program offers a “lifetime value” as these new connections are yours for life. You will get many lifetime views of your articles and continue to save hours and hours of wasted time for the rest of your life. Our “Get Linked for Addiction Professionals” program is much less than you think. In less than one week your LinkedIn will blow up with new targeted contacts, and two weeks after the training you will be able to see the views on your posts drastically increase.
Finding Your Drug Rehab Marketing Mix
LinkedIn is only one strategy for addiction professional outreach. It’s only a small portion of the marketing mix that treatment centers, detox’s, sales/service organizations and behavioral health organizations need. Finding their marketing mix is confusing and overwhelming. However, LinkedIn is used within and outside of LinkedIn. It should be in the marketing mix for everyone in our industry. Consider this, our CEO’s LinkedIn profile appears on the first page of Google for several key terms. If you Google “drug rehab marketing“,”drug rehab SEO”, and drug rehab marketing agency”, he is one page one. In fact we have 3-5 page one organic listings for those keywords. These are Major long-tail keywords for marketing in our industry. We also rank for key terms on services we don’t provide. This does not happen by chance. We clearly understand drug rehab SEO and social media. Here are some others that we rank for;
- drug rehabs in Florida (searched 10,000 pr month)
- California drug rehabs
- drug rehabs West Palm Beach
- opiate detox West Palm Beach
- sober homes West Palm Beach
We provide social media training (LinkedIn and Facebook) for outreach professionals at every one of our Ethical Marketing Practices conferences. Check it out and consider attending one of addiction conferences in 2020.
For all this to work many pieces need to be put in place;
- Proper drug rehab website development
- optimized blog articles with a drug rehab SEO strategy
- Google Analytics
- call tracking metrics
- and more
The addiction industry is experiencing major business and marketing changes and those that do not use social media to get their message in front of their target audience will not survive in web marketing.
Addiction Treatment Lead Generation for Outreach and SEO
Addiction treatment lead generation is a critical component for drug and alcohol rehab centers. However, there is too much focus on getting referrals from other treatment centers. Sure, there are drug rehabs addiction professionals should visit. However, there is much more to be done than getting one on one referrals. CEO and Marketing Directors need to be providing tools to assist these individuals. They should have many lead generation techniques going on at the same time.
We have several social media marketing programs (90-day Social Media Marketing Program) tapping you into our targeted audience and growing your own targeted audience. This new audience you receive consists of;
- 1,000 new targeted LinkedIn level one connections
- 1,500 targeted Facebook friends
- Facebook group guaranteeing 2,000 targeted members.
The program gets blog posts in front of our built targeted audience for 90 days. We generate 500-1,000 views within 10-20 days per blog post using LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Scoop-it, press releases and emails to 25,000 addiction professionals. After 90-days we train you on LinkedIn and Facebook so you can do this in-house. Our current audience consists of;
If you would like to chat about how drug rehab marketing and SEO in our industry, or are interested in our Addiction Executive Ethical Marketing Practices conferences email us at, or call anytime at 561-235-6195.
Behavioral Health Network Resources Executive addiction conferences tackle these issues head-on. Click on the above 5/20/20 addiction conference pic to learn more. Learn proven and ethical drug rehab marketing strategies. These provide long-term solutions to addiction treatment centers problem of maintaining a healthy census. BHNR addiction conferences conference also teach addiction professional outreach strategies. This combined with ethical business and marketing practices have made them extremely popular across the nation.
We’d love to hear what you’ve seen on social media in the addiction treatment industry. Leave your comments below.
Join 60 of the webs best Addiction Professional referral and Behavioral Health Groups.
I think you Charles have forgotten more about addiction/treatment/marketing than most of us will ever learn. Your posts alone, even if I didn’t follow up on any of your links are so rich with experience. It’s hard to believe why anyone isn’t listening .