Tag Archives: drug rehab SEO agency

drug rehab SEo by BHNR gets small and large inpatient drug rehabs, alcohol detox centers and IOP drug rehabs ranked.

Small Drug Rehabs Can Out Market Big Players

Drug rehab SEO is difficult for owners in the addiction treatment center marketing. Small inpatient drug rehabs and IOP drug rehabs have always had a difficult time in generating clients. They have had poor drug rehab marketing strategies and almost no drug rehab SEO. This is because the entire industry has fallen to digital Darwinism. The small drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers do not have the money to compete directly with the big players. There are about a dozen players spending in excess of $500,000 per month in Google Ad Words and PPC. This is good news for small rehabs because there is a better and less expensive way to increase targeted addiction treatment calls and beat the big players!

Why Drug Rehab SEO is Needed to Ranked on Page One of Google

%Drug Rehab SEO Small Drug Rehabs Can Out Market Big Players

Drug rehab SEO is not Google Ad Words or Pay per click. It does not require Legit Script certification. The big players spending $500,000 a month in Google ad words and pay per click know one thing. There are a lot of searches on Google. In fact, we know there are at least 40,000 searches on Google every second! Let’s let that sink in for a second. Granted they are not all for addiction treatment, however Google is the #1 place where people are searching for treatment.

Where the small rehabs like drug rehabs San Diego can compete is on page one of Google with the help of a drug rehab SEO specialist. Not with the AdWords or PPC. There is a much better less expensive way. You see, paid ads only get 10% of page one clicks. The top 10 organic results get a whopping 90%! This means the consumer does not trust the paid ads. This is a good thing for the small inpatient drug rehabs and IOP drug rehabs.

Behavioral Health Network Resources gets small centers ranked on page one for key search terms in 60-90 days with our accelerated drug rehab SEO program. In fact we have several programs that cost less the cost of one admission. Once you start to rank on page one organically you tend to stay there a long time. This means every admit means it lowers your cost per acquisition.

Only 1 % of Drug Rehabs Have Enough Drug Rehab SEO Marketing Knowledge to Make It On Page One of Google

%Drug Rehab SEO Small Drug Rehabs Can Out Market Big Players

Why is drug rehab SEO so difficult? There are only 13 organic slots on page one of Google. You have the Google 3 pack. Then there is the top 10 organic slots on page one. There are approximately 14,000 addiction treatment centers in the US. If your small addiction treatment center can get ranked on page one for key search terms it means you are taking clients away from the big players spending big money.

There are some key reasons why the small players are not ranking on Google. The first reason is their website. Every new client we get needs on page SEO on their website. Many times they had a website designer build their website and not a website developer.

This difference is a designer makes the website aesthetically pleasing and website developer make is communicate better with Google. A website developer and a good drug rehab SEO professional are the two best investments you can make. The payoff would be forever as you will be in more searches, get more clicks and get more calls. Our client Harmony Grove Recovery inpatient drug rehabs San Diego now ranks for IOP drug rehabs San Diego, drug rehabs San Diego, best drug rehabs San Diego and many more.

The next thing you need is good backlinks. Google uses over 200 ranking factors to rank websites. However, the #1 factor is backlinks. Many times when Behavioral Health Network Resources gets a new drug rehab SEO client we see little or poor backlinks. We have built profiles across the web on drug and alcohol addiction that are rated high by Google. We then tap our clients into these articles, profiles and posts.

What Drug Rehab SEO Do The Small Drug Rehabs Need For Their Advertising?

There are some drug rehab SEO areas that prove to show drastic increases in rankings. This is because many times their advertising agency used drug rehab SEO Cookie Cutter mentality. They did not understand on page SEO. This is where you have to know what Google wants for the H tags, ALT tags, SERP descriptions and in the content. It takes a trained eye to SEO optimize web pages.

Think of drug rehab SEO as if you were driving on the thruway. There are many exits that tell you where they go. This is SEO. Google SEO will tell the Google spiders what is there. The H tags, ALT tags, SERP descriptions and fall in line with the key words that are linked.

How do Small Rehabs Learn How To Rank on Page One of Google?

%Drug Rehab SEO Small Drug Rehabs Can Out Market Big Players

Small inpatient drug rehabs and IOP drug rehabs can get a better understanding of drug rehab SEO, BHNR’s article drug rehab SEO vs. digital Darwinism gives a 40-pointt check list. It has a bullet point list that shows the common SEO mistakes made.

This checklist is one of the best tools for any drug and alcohol addiction treatment center marketing plan. BHNR is also the only drug rehab marketing agency that will train your staff. We can take the reigns and once the SEO starts working, we can train your marketing department.

Another big area that is missed or underdeveloped is the drug rehabs Google My Business profile. This is important and if drug rehab SEO is done properly properly it will produce treatment calls. This is also one of the keys to rank in the Google 3 pack on page one of Google. Imagine ranking in Google maps and ranking organically in the top 10 on page one. That would be a dream for any addiction treatment center in their advertising. Behavioral Health Network resources go a step further. We also get the LinkedIn, Facebook, Psychology Today profiles and more to also rank for the same keywords.

Drug Rehab SEO Packages by Behavioral Health Network Resources Provide Much More!

Our advertising gets more page one results because we know that drug rehab SEO requires proper website development and on page SEO. Behavioral Health Network Resources has several key drug rehab SEO packages. Small treatment centers can start to rank in 60-90 days. Part of why we are so good at drug rehab SEO is we dominate on social media. We took the time to capture your and our target audience on Facebook and LinkedIn.

We have over 60 addiction and behavioral health groups. These groups have a total of over 250,000 members. We also understand how to build these social media profiles. In fact we get our clients on page one with the mail website and social media profiles. When a clients searches a key word often our client have 2-5 page one results. This means they dominate organically. Check out some of these search terms we did for our client Centered Recovery.

  • IOP drug rehabs San Diego
  • Michigan drug rehabs
  • Alcohol detox centers Port St Lucie
  • Alcohol detox centers San Diego

Drug Rehab SEO Marketing Packages and Training Available

BHNR offers drug rehab SEO training and drug rehab SEO services. Below is an quick glance of the drug rehab marketing we provide. Its surprising that many more small rehabs do not do drug rehab SEO because it is so affordable. Some of our drug rehab SEO packages include the following.

  • Google Maps 3 pack program
  • Full drug rehab SEO program
  • 12-month drug rehab SEO program
  • Drug rehab social media program

Any of these drug rehab SEO programs cost less than the cost of one admission. Large and small inpatient drug rehabs. Alcohol detox centers and IOP drug rehabs can rank for key search terms in 60-90 days. Call our CEO, Charles Davis at 561-235-6195 now and get started on seeing your addiction treatment center ranked on page one of Google. Drug rehab SEO is the best way for the small addiction treatment centers to compete and provides the lowest cost per acquisition..